Rich Sevcik spoke on behalf of the following who ceded their time: Patrick
Flowers, Nadine Duecker-Pratt, Timothy Hromadka, Steve Feldman, Eric
Ammermann, and Jay Sklenar. Rich touched on their main concerns: morning
traffic, emergency evacuation, and the developer's refusal to add a second exit.
He added his disapproval of the traffic study conducted.
Sam Bryant spoke on behalf of the following who ceded their time: Mary Bonner,
Robert Medina, Paul Ryan, Rhoda Musella, Michelle Thomason, Trish Sanford,
and Scott Sanford. Sam discussed the bridge the community requested, adding
that the applicant refused to take it into consideration. He noted their main
concern was having an exit plan and shared wind and fire facts.
Matt Westfall spoke on behalf of the following who ceded their time: Erica
Morales, Ed Lotterhos, and Shelly Davis. Matt commented on his Navy
experience with emergency response. He made reference to a traffic study that
he conducted. He added a scenario in which parents were attempting to reach
their children and asked the commissioners to evaluate this project properly.
Ben Haney, a resident, questioned the applicant's unwillingness to contribute to
a bridge but would contribute to the creek.
Chris Webb, a resident of North Fork, commented on the safety in question,
adding the previous devastating fire. He added that adding more homes did not
make sense.
Charlie Shay, a resident of Howells Road, provided history and current facts on
this project. He added that staff had no right to remove the condition that the
City Council recommended accommodating the bridge. He added that the
current population already experienced heavy traffic. He suggested denying the
development until a safe plan was presented.
General Duncan McNam spoke on behalf of the following who ceded their time:
Dave Lomend, Jim Bonner. Duncan shared his background in the Air Force by
adding history to the area. He added that the current activity did not honor the
commitments made to the residents in the past. He recommended requesting a
bridge for residents before approving this project.
Sarah Noley, a nearby resident, touched base on previous planners' notes from
City Fire Department comments. She shared the nearby road history and
current growth. Sarah then shared the numerous signatures of residents who
did not want Howells road access.
Patricia Gustarson, a longtime resident of the area, shared her perspective on
enjoying the wildlife in the area. She noted that altering the area took away from
their ability to ride horses, for example. Patricia requested reconsideration and
finding another route to build on.
Greg Edwards, a previous North Fork Safety Committee member, commented
on Fire Department's time frames being outside of standards. He added that
this issue was specifically about evacuation and hoped city staff were the
gatekeepers for residents' safety and denied the project.
Debra McNollan, a resident of North Fork, commented on changes to a nearby
middle school walking zone. This change caused students to walk about 1.7