Councilmember Henjum asked if the 3.4 percent cut to the Police
Department’s budget was restored, would it change how the Police
Department addresses targeted enforcement and patrol. Chief Vasquez
stated the biggest issue they face is not a budget issue, it is staffing. He
stated the areas where they are cutting the budget are not going to impact
the deployment of Officers for operational needs and he is confident with
the proposed budget that they will be able to do everything we can within
the realms of staffing.
Councilmember Henjum asked what would happen to morale if the four
percent wage increase was delayed. Chief Vasquez stated the Police
profession has a lot of things making it very difficult to be a Police Officer
and they are comparing their pay to the Denver metro area and the pay
raises are significant to the Officers morale because they believe that they
should be paid for a very dangerous job in one of the most difficult times in
policing and it would be detrimental to take those pay raises away.
Councilmember Henjum asked what Council can do to help. Chief Vasquez
stated they the things which impact Officer’s morale come from a lot of
different directions, but overall, they are doing pretty good because they
are trying very hard to remedy difficult situations and make things the best,
they can for them.
Councilmember Henjum stated everyone on Council wants a safe City and
they should continue the conversation regarding safety, but this proposed
budget has been vetted and believes Council should support City staff.
Councilmember Avila stated it is difficult to have to look at cuts in the
budget but believes the strong leadership has worked extremely hard to put
it together, other departments such as Parks and Cultural Service, Public
Works, and Economic Development also had to take budget cuts and she
will be supporting the proposed budget.
Councilmember Donelson asked if all the money allocated for overtime in
2023 is expected to be spent. Chief Vasquez stated it is a very fluid budget
and if they need to deploy Officers, they will, and will use the overtime
money if necessary.
Councilmember Donelson asked how they are cutting $800,000 from the
911 Call Center. Chief Vasquez there are cost savings based on how
many people they are actually able to employ, and they are not cutting
hiring or positions. Ms. McDaniel stated they are budgeting for what they
anticipate the staffing will be as opposed to thinking that they are going to
have every single position filled, they included that attrition factor in part of
the budgeting forecast, so they anticipate an amount of turnover and they
have taken that as part of the reduction.
Councilmember Henjum stated because the City’s General Fund Budget is