How to Watch the Meeting... | SPRINGS TV - Comcast Channel 18 / 880 (HD)
- StratusIQ Channel 76/99 (Streaming)
All meetings are open to the public. Those who wish to participate may do so in-person, online, or via phone.
Conference Call: Dial 1-720-617-3426, enter Conf ID: 580 374 523# and wait to be admitted.
MS Teams: Copy and paste or type into your web browser to join the MS Teams meeting online:
Attendees participating by telephone or MS Teams will be muted upon entry to the meeting. Please wait to be
called on before speaking.
If you know you would like to comment on an agenda item, please contact the case planner for the item at
719-385-5905. If you are unable to contact them, there will still be an opportunity to speak during the meeting.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Approval of the Minutes
Minutes for the May 10, 2023, Planning Commission Meeting
Scott Hente, Chair of the City Planning Commission
3. Changes to Agenda/Postponements
4. Communications
Peter Wysocki - Planning & Community Development Director
5. Consent Calendar
These items will be acted upon as a whole, unless a specific item is called for discussion by a
Commissioner/Board Member or a citizen wishing to address the Commission or Board. (Any items called up for
separate consideration shall be acted upon following the Consent Vote.)
Equipment Share
CUDP-23-000 A conditional use development plan for a construction equipment
rental and sales business with an 11,203 square-foot building with
outdoor storage and ancillary site improvements.