the Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between
the City, El Paso County, and the Colorado Department of Transportation
(CDOT) for a Comprehensive Roadway Access Control Plan for the
regulation of vehicle access to State Highway (SH) 83 between the
southbound CO 21 ramp and County Line Road and provided an overview
of the Plan and implications.
There were no comments on this item.
A Resolution to Approve and Accept a Quitclaim Deed from the
Department of Transportation, State of Colorado, concerning portions of
Troy Hill Road from East Platte Avenue to 275 feet north of Airport Road.
Gayle Sturdivant, PE, PMP, Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer
Todd Frisbie, PE, PTOE, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works
Todd Frisbie, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works Department, presented
the Resolution approving and accepting a Quitclaim Deed from the
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) concerning portions of
Troy Hill Road from East Platte Avenue to 275 feet north of Airport Road for
the Troy Hill Road right-of-way.
President Helms asked if this project is related to the Colorado
Department of Transportation (CDOT) overpass project at Airport Road
and Powers Boulevard. Mr. Frisbie stated it is not, they are separate
A Resolution Declaring the Intention of the City of Colorado Springs,
Colorado, to hold a Special Municipal Election and to Participate in a
Coordinated Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, and
Providing the Effective Date of this Resolution.
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk
Sarah B Johnson, City Clerk, presented the Resolution declaring the
intention of the City participating in the November 5, 2024 Coordinated
Election with El Paso County. She stated this Resolution is the procedural
first step to place an item on the ballot and there is no commitment by the