City Hall  
107 N. Nevada Avenue  
Colorado Springs, CO  
City of Colorado Springs  
Meeting Minutes  
Council Work Session  
City Council meetings are broadcast live on Channel 18. In  
accordance with the ADA, anyone requiring an auxiliary aid to  
participate in this meeting should make the request as soon  
as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled  
Monday, October 9, 2023  
10:00 AM  
Council Chambers  
How to Watch the Meeting | Facebook Live: Colorado Springs City Council  
Facebook Page @coscity Council | SPRINGS TV - Comcast Channel 18 / 880 (HD)  
- Stratus IQ Channel 76 / 99 (Streaming)  
Estimated agenda item times are provided for planning purposes and do not constitute  
notice of a specific time for any item. Items may take more or less time than estimated.  
City Council may amend the order of items.  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
President Helms called the meeting to order at 10:02 AM.  
President Helms requested a moment of silence be observed in honor of  
fallen Parole Officer Christine Guerin Sandoval and the victims of the  
terrorist attack against Israel.  
8 - Councilmember Yolanda Avila, President Pro Tem Lynette Crow-Iverson,  
Councilmember Dave Donelson, President Randy Helms, Councilmember Nancy  
Henjum, Councilmember Mike O'Malley, Councilmember Brian Risley, and  
Councilmember Michelle Talarico  
1 - Councilmember David Leinweber  
Councilmember Henjum attended the meeting virtually and left at  
approximately 4:05 PM.  
Councilmember Avila left the meeting at approximately 1:30 PM.  
2. Changes to Agenda  
There were no Changes to Agenda.  
3. Regular Meeting Comments  
Ben Bolinger, Legislative Counsel, City Attorney’s Office, stated the  
Closed Executive Session has been withdrawn from the October 10,  
2023 City Council meeting agenda.  
4. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes  
City Council Work Session Meeting Minutes September 25, 2023  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk  
The minutes of the September 25, 2023 Work Session were approved  
by Consensus of City Council.  
5. Executive Session  
5A. Open  
There was no Open Executive Session.  
5B. Closed  
In accord with City Charter Art. III, § 3-60(d), and its incorporated  
Colorado Open Meetings Act, C.R.S. § 24-6-402(4)(a), (b), and (e),  
the City Council, in Open Session, is to determine whether it will hold  
a Closed Executive Session. The issue to be discussed involves  
consultation with the City Attorney, discussing strategy for  
negotiations, and instructing negotiators regarding a purchase of land  
by the airport.  
The President of Council shall poll the City Councilmembers, and,  
upon consent of two-thirds of the members present, may conduct a  
Closed Executive Session. In the event any City Councilmember is  
participating electronically or telephonically in the Closed Executive  
Session, each City Councilmember participating in the Closed  
Executive Session shall affirmatively state for the record that no other  
member of the public not authorized to participate in the Closed  
Executive Session is present or able to hear the matters discussed as  
part of the Closed Executive Session. If consent to the Closed  
Executive Session is not given, the item may be discussed in Open  
Session or withdrawn from consideration.  
Wynetta Massey, City Attorney  
Ben Bolinger, Legislative Counsel, City Attorney’s Office, stated that in  
accord with City Charter art. III, § 3-60(d) and its incorporated Colorado  
Open Meetings Act, C.R.S. § 24-6-402(4)(b) and (e), the City Council, in  
Open Session, is to determine whether it will hold an electronic Closed  
Executive Session. The issue to be discussed involves consultation with  
the City Attorney, discussing strategy for negotiations, and instructing  
negotiators regarding a purchase of land by the airport.  
President Helms polled City Council regarding the desire to proceed with  
an electronic Closed Executive Session. At least two-thirds of City  
Council agreed to proceed in an electronic Closed Executive Session.  
6. Presentations for General Information  
UCHealth Annual Update  
Lonnie Cramer, President & CEO, UCHealth Southern Colorado  
Lonnie Cramer, President and Chief Executive Officer, University of  
Colorado Health (UCH) Memorial Hospital, presented an annual update  
on the UCHealth Southern Colorado Region. He provided an overview  
of their mission, commitment to the community, investment in  
community health benefits, Colorado Springs hospitals, ranking by U.S.  
News, growth/achievement, workforce, and American Nurses  
Credentialing Center (ANCC) Magnet designation. Mr. Cramer identified  
their expanded access to care, virtual care, commitment to behavioral  
health, Behavioral Health Connect (BHCON) co-responder program,  
veteran/armed forces support, Forensic Center of Excellence (FCOE)  
program, vision for Southern Colorado, and Mobile Stroke Treatment  
Unit (MSTU).  
Councilmember Henjum asked if UCH had a partnership with Colorado  
Springs Police Department. Mr. Cramer stated they do not, but they are  
in communication with them.  
Councilmember Donelson requested additional information regarding  
patients who were identified as diverted from jail and what the primary  
diagnosis of those individuals are. Mr. Cramer stated they identify these  
types of individuals and are able to deescalate their behavior and get  
them treatment so that their actions do not escalate to a higher level  
which may result in arrest, and he will provide the information regarding  
the primary diagnosis of this group. Councilmember Donelson asked if  
the 1,550 encounters of people diverted from jail have some sort of  
record of the encounter. Damien McCabe Director of Health, UCH in the  
Southern Region and Administrator of the Veteran Suicide Prevention  
program and the Co Responder programs for the region, stated it is not  
a legal record per say, but the counties keep police interaction records,  
so every person is entered into that system.  
Councilmember Talarico asked how UHC can provide eighty-four million  
dollars in unpaid care. Mr. Cramer stated by law, they are required to  
provide care, but they are concerned about the number of Medicaid  
eligible patients who have not registered for benefits.  
Councilmember Talarico asked how UHC handles four hundred victims  
per month who need the forensics units with only five exam rooms. Mr.  
Cramer stated they are looking at dispersing it out to other community  
Children’s Hospital Colorado Update  
Greg Raymond, Southern Region President, Children’s Hospital  
Greg Raymond, Southern Region President, Children’s Hospital  
Colorado, provided an update on Children’s Hospital Colorado. He  
identified their mission, vision, values, locations, 2022 statistics,  
community support, workforce, respiratory surge/emergency  
preparedness, Telstar, TRICARE, and therapy dog.  
Councilmember Donelson stated in regard to the Tricare Memorandum  
provided by Council, there were several questions regarding whether  
Children’s Hospital Colorado provides gender transition surgery and  
hormonal treatment. Mr. Raymond stated they never done gender  
affirming care on children and several months ago, they discontinued  
providing gender transition surgery to adults. He stated he will provide  
additional information regarding hormonal treatment.  
Councilmember Crow-Iverson asked if they provide tuition  
reimbursement to their employees. Mr. Raymond stated they have a  
program that's which is not too dissimilar from what UHC provides,  
where employees have the ability to get certifications and degrees.  
Peak Vista Community Health Centers Update  
Dr. Emily Ptaszek, President and CEO, Peak Vista Community Health  
Dr. Emily Ptaszek, President and CEO, Peak Vista Community Health  
Centers, gave an overview of the Peak Vista Community Health Center  
mission, federally qualified health center designation, four key  
components, history, impact, service area, site locations, demographics  
of patients served, staff, what makes them unique, vision, key  
partnerships, and invited Council to their Breakfast of Champions event  
being heal on October 25, 2023 at 7:00 AM at the Broadmoor  
International Center.  
President Helms asked how the $24 million saved is measured. Dr.  
Ptaszek stated it is the unnecessary hospital avoidance and getting  
people primary care which identifies issues, including mental health  
issues, early in order to avoid emergency room visits.  
President Helms requested additional information regarding patients  
with Medicaid. Dr. Ptaszek provided an overview of what Medicaid  
covers and how the program is used.  
President Helms asked why active-duty military personnel would use a  
community health center instead of military services. Dr. Ptaszek stated  
it is used primarily for mental health, dental issues, and if the patient  
does not want to wait for approval.  
Councilmember Donelson asked if Peak Vista is doing gender transition  
affirming care, in particular for children. Dr. Ptaszek stated they do not  
have anybody on staff right now that would initiate hormones and their  
facility is all outpatient so there is no surgery, but they create a safe  
place for people to come and who may look one way and prefers to  
have certain pronouns.  
7. Staff and Appointee Reports  
CPC 23-461 Presentation of the 2022 PlanCOS Annual Report  
Morgan Hester, Planning Manager, Long Range Planning Division  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Neighborhood Services  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Neighborhood Services,  
introduced the presentation of the 2022 PlanCOS Annual Report.  
Morgan Hester, Principal Planner, Planning and Community  
Development, presented an overview of the 2022 highlights, building  
permit valuations, Land Use Review development /permit fees revenue,  
Development Review Enterprise, Community Development,  
Neighborhood Services, and homelessness initiative. She identified the  
indicators for residential density, lane miles per dwelling unit,  
community/long range plans, infill/redevelopment activity, housing  
opportunities, housing attainability, downtown development, economic  
indicators, renowned culture indicators, majestic landscapes,  
pedestrian/cycling/transit infrastructure, Banning Lewis Ranch (BLR),  
and the Community Planning Program (CPP).  
Councilmember Henjum asked if the five-year projection for an increase  
in density is being met. Mr. Wysocki stated there is not a specific  
number or target in PlanCOS other than specifically net new density.  
Councilmember Henjum asked if increased community engagement  
involvement in more local neighborhood planning could be accelerated.  
Mr. Wysocki stated more neighborhood planning and long-range  
planning is directly related to the amount of resources they can assign to  
it so in order for it to be expedited, they would need more robust  
Councilmember Donelson asked if the number of acres of land still  
available to be developed is all truly developable land considering the  
Preble’s meadow jumping mouse habitat and steep hills. Paige  
Salisbury, Long Range Planning, stated the vacant land information  
comes from the El Paso County Assessor and they look at aerial images  
and building permits, then remove any mouse habitat and anything  
Councilmember O’Malley requested the number for full saturation for  
apartment buildings. Ms. Hester stated she will provide that information  
when they have obtained it.  
Councilmember Henjum asked how the City can improve their mobility  
score. Ms. Hester stated there are directives in ConnectCOS that  
highlight multimodal so what infrastructure is necessary for residents,  
not just vehicular transportation. Mr. Wysocki stated new development is  
more aligned with making the City multimodal as well.  
Councilmember Henjum asked how the Council of Neighborhoods and  
Organizations (CONO) is assisting with neighborhood participation in  
planning. Mr. Wysocki stated community plans were implemented as a  
resource to receive input from individual neighborhoods.  
Councilmember Talarico asked why the City is not utilizing participants  
from CONO’s Neighborhood University and Neighborhood Network  
Boards with planning. Mr. Wysocki stated it is because those individuals  
may not necessarily be aligned with the thoughts and concerns of the  
neighborhood as a whole.  
Councilmember O’Malley asked if commercial transit solutions such as  
Uber and Lyft could be part of the transit services calculation. Mr.  
Wysocki stated they will convey that information to their colleagues.  
Agenda Planner Review  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk  
Councilmember Donelson requested the first reading of an Ordinance  
for a zone change consisting of 1.23 acres located at 4760 Flintridge  
Drive from MX-N (Mixed-Use Neighborhood) to MX-M (Mixed-Use  
Medium Scale) for the purpose of setting a public hearing date for  
November 28, 2023 (Quik Trip) not be on the Consent Calendar for the  
November 14, 2023 City Council meeting agenda. President Helms  
agreed to Councilmember Donelson’s request.  
8. Items for Introduction  
A Resolution Authorizing the Use of Possession and Use and/or  
Eminent Domain to  
Acquire Certain Easements Needed for the Broadmoor Area Bridge  
Gayle Sturdivant, PE, PMP, City Engineer/Acting Public Works  
Darlene Kennedy, Real Estate Services Manager  
Gayle Sturdivant, City Engineer/Interim Public Works Director,  
presented the Resolution authorizing the use of a possession and use  
and eminent domain to acquire real property interests owned by J S.  
Nelson Commack, Scot Tebo, Stephen Anderson, and Earnestine  
Brown for the Broadmoor Area Bridge Maintenance Project - Cured in  
Place Pipe (CIPP). She provided an overview of the project location,  
project purpose, right of way and easement limits, negotiation history,  
project timeline, and next steps.  
Councilmember Talarico requested this item not be on the Consent  
Calendar in order to allow the owners to speak if they wish to.  
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Colorado Springs,  
amending the previously approved Issuance of Debt by the Copper  
Ridge Metropolitan District in the form of a Tax-Exempt Bank Loan in  
a principal amount of up to $24,530,000. (Legislative Item)  
Mike Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community Development  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Community Development  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development,  
provided a summary of the request for amending the previously  
approved issuance of debt not to exceed $20,770,000 to by the Copper  
Ridge Metropolitan District to $24,530,000 and stated this is due to the  
bid coming in higher than what was originally anticipated, and all other  
project conditions remain the same.  
There were no comments on this item.  
URA 23-034 A Resolution making certain legislative findings and approving the  
Gold Hill Mesa Commercial Urban Renewal Plan.  
Related File: URA 23-035, URA 23-046, URA 23-093  
Jariah Walker, CSURA Executive Director  
Jariah Walker, Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority (CSURA)  
Executive Director, introduced the Resolutions approving a substantial  
modification to the amended Gold Hill Mesa Urban Renewal Plan,  
terminating the existing Gold Hill Mesa Commercial Urban Renewal  
Plan, approving the Gold Hill Mesa Commercial Urban Renewal Plan,  
and Cooperation Agreement between the CSURA and the City to  
promote redevelopment and assist with financing of public  
improvements for the Gold Hill Mesa Commercial Urban Renewal  
Project and to approve the amount of annual sales tax increment  
revenue allocated.  
Stephanie Edwards, Executive Vice President, Gold Hill Mesa,  
representing the applicant, provided an overview of the history of Gold  
Hill Mesa, why two percent Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) matters, site  
history, mitigation/site prep, smart growth/development with purpose,  
engaging community, next phase, and fiscal impact.  
Andrew Knutson, Managing Principal, Economic and Planning Systems  
(EPS), representing the applicant, provided a brief overview of EPS, a  
comparison of the City sales tax impact at 1.75 percent versus 2.00  
percent, static project performance, time series project performance,  
commercial development component, and community  
President Helms stated after seeing the comparisons for the percentage  
of the TIF, he would support a two percent TIF, but he is concerned  
about a six percent return on investment is being identified as a risk.  
Samuel Small, Development Team, Gold Hill Mesa representing the  
applicant stated the way the project is prepared at the full two percent,  
they do have capital committed to this project to move forward.  
URA 23-035 A Resolution approving a cooperation agreement between the  
Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority and the City of Colorado  
Springs to promote redevelopment and assist with financing of public  
improvements for the Gold Hill Mesa Commercial Urban Renewal  
Project and to approve the amount of annual sales tax increment  
revenue allocated pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute Section  
Related File: URA 23-034  
Jariah Walker, CSURA Executive Director  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.C.  
URA 23-046 A Resolution making certain legislative findings and approving a  
substantial modification to the amended Gold Hill Mesa Urban  
Renewal Plan.  
Related File: URA 23-034  
Jariah Walker, CSURA Executive Director  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.C.  
URA 23-093 A Resolution to terminate the existing Gold Hill Mesa Commercial  
Urban Renewal Plan.  
Related File: URA 23-034, URA 23-035  
Jariah Walker, CSURA Executive Director  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.C.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the  
Barnes & Powers North Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community  
Development, presented the proposed 2024 budget for the Colorado  
Springs Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and the proposed  
2024 operating plans and budgets for the eighteen Business  
Improvement Districts (BID). He explained the annual budget and mill  
levy approval by City Council is required for the DDA and annual budget  
and operating plan approvals by City Council are required for BIDs. Mr.  
Wysocki identified the refinements for this cycle, Greater Downtown  
BID, list of other BIDs, proposed mill levy changes, Public Improvement  
Fees (PIFs), boundary changes, BID websites, and next steps.  
There were no comments on this item.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the  
Barnes & Powers South Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the  
Briargate Center Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the  
Catalyst Campus Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the  
Creekwalk Marketplace Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the First  
and Main Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the First  
and Main Business Improvement District No. 2  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the First  
and Main North Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the Gold  
Hill North Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the  
Greater Downtown Colorado Springs Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the GSF  
Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the  
Interquest North Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the  
Interquest South Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the  
Interquest Town Center Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the MW  
Retail Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the Park  
Union Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the  
Powers & Woodmen Commercial Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Approving the Proposed 2024 Operating Plan and Budget for the  
TrueNorth Commons Business Improvement District  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community  
Please see comments in Agenda item 8.G.  
9. Items Under Study  
There were no Items Under Study.  
10. Councilmember Reports and Open Discussion  
Councilmember Donelson wished everyone a happy Columbus Day and  
requested that it be added to the City calendar.  
President Helms stated he and other members attended the 2023  
Annual Chamber and EDC Gala on Saturday, October 7, 2023, the  
United States Air Force Academy Falcon football team is five and zero,  
and they will play Wyoming Cowboys on Saturday night, October 14,  
2023 at Falcon Stadium.  
11. Adjourn  
There being no further business to come before City Council, President  
Helms adjourned the meeting at 4:12 PM.  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk