failed by a vote of 2-7-0-0
2 - Donelson, and O'Malley
7 - Avila, Crow-Iverson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico
Councilmember Talarico requested the Resolution be amended to include
a Whereas which states “Call on the Governor of Colorado and our
legislature to reverse legislation which has negatively impacting our state
and law enforcement including HB 19-1124 and HB 23-1100”.
Councilmember O’Malley spoke about the Whereas which states “we
believe in the rule law. We will not hesitate to request Title 32 assistance
from the Governor of Colorado and Title 10 forces if needed by the federal
government.” and stated they should not hesitate to request that assistance
if needed.
Motion by Councilmember O'Malley, seconded by Councilmember Risley, tto
amend the Resolution to include a Whereas which states “Call on the Governor
of Colorado and our legislature to reverse legislation which has negatively
impacting our state and law enforcement including HB 19-1124 and HB 23-1100”.
The motion passed by a vote of 7-2-0-0
7 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and Talarico
2 - Avila, and Henjum
Motion by Councilmember Donelsonto amend the Resolution to include a
Whereas which states “City Council calls for the City of Colorado Springs to join
the current lawsuit by El Paso and other Colorado Counties against the State of
Colorado for creating a “Sanctuary State”. The motion failed for lack of a
Motion by Councilmember Donelson to amend the Resolution to include a
Whereas which states “City Council calls for the City of Colorado Springs to
explore with Castle Rock, Aurora and other Front Range cities the possibility of
joining their potential lawsuit against Denver regarding its “Sanctuary City”
status and the resulting impacts on surrounding communities”. The motion failed
for lack of a second.
Motion by Councilmember Donelson to amend the Resolution to include a
Whereas which states “Call for remigration/deportation of all of the
approximately 20 million illegal aliens who have recently entered our country”.
The motion failed for lack of a second.
Citizens Jacqueline Arbendariz Unzueta, Jaxon Hoskinson, Annette Leyva,
Jacquilyn Jaramillo, and Chauncy Johnson spoke in opposition of the
proposed Resolution.
Councilmember Leinweber stated he believes immigrants are the strength
of the country and he requested the wording to be changed to “those who
have entered the country without legal status” because the laws are
important and need to be honored. He stated even though the City says
they are prepared to address if people start to move out of Denver, CO to
Colorado Springs due to lack of services, he does not believe the City is