City Hall  
107 N. Nevada Avenue  
Colorado Springs, CO  
City of Colorado Springs  
Meeting Minutes  
City Council  
City Council meetings are broadcast live on Channel 18. In  
accordance with the ADA, anyone requiring an auxiliary aid to  
participate in this meeting should make the request as soon as  
possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.  
Tuesday, July 11, 2023  
10:00 AM  
Council Chambers  
How to Watch the Meeting | Facebook Live: Colorado Springs City Council  
Facebook Page @coscity Council | SPRINGS TV - Comcast Channel 18 / 880 (HD)  
- Stratus IQ Channel 76 / 99 (Streaming)  
How to Comment on Agenda Items  
Before the meeting, you may email general comments for items not on the agenda or  
comments regarding agenda items to:  
During the meeting, those who wish to comment should submit their name, telephone number,  
and the topic or agenda item for comment via in addition to  
calling +1 720-617-3426 United States, Denver (Toll) and entering this Conference ID: 720  
260 097#  
Estimated agenda item times are provided for planning purposes and do not constitute notice  
of a specific time for any item. Items may take more or less time than estimated. City Council  
may amend the order of items.  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
9 -  
Councilmember Yolanda Avila, President Pro Tem Lynette Crow-Iverson,  
Councilmember Dave Donelson, President Randy Helms, Councilmember Nancy  
Henjum, Councilmember David Leinweber, Councilmember Mike O'Malley,  
Councilmember Brian Risley, and Councilmember Michelle Talarico  
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance  
The Invocation was made by Benny Soto, Outreach Pastor, from the  
Academy Christian Church.  
President Helms led the Pledge of Allegiance.  
3. Changes to Agenda/Postponements  
President Helms stated items 4A.A. will be removed from the Consent  
Consensus of Council agreed to this change on the agenda.  
4. Consent Calendar  
These items will be acted upon as a whole, unless a specific item is called for  
discussion by a Councilmember or a citizen wishing to address the City Council.  
(Any items called up for separate consideration shall be acted upon following the  
Mayor's Business.)  
4A. Second Presentation:  
4B. First Presentation:  
City Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 27, 2023  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk  
The Minutes were approved on the Consent Calendar.  
The City Clerk reports that on June 15, 2023 there was filed with her a  
petition for the annexation of Colorado Centre Addition No. 3  
Annexation. The City Clerk herewith communicates such to City Council  
and recommends that the petition and map be referred to the City  
Administration for review and recommendation regarding whether the  
petition is in substantial compliance with Section 31-12-107(1).  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk  
This Item was approved on the Consent Calendar.  
4B.C. PUDZ-22-00 First reading of an ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of  
Colorado Springs relating to 4.56 acres located between E. St. Elmo  
Ave. and E. Ramona Ave. just west of S. Nevada Ave. from MX-M  
(Mixed Use Medium Scale) and R5 (Multi-Family Residential) zone  
districts, both with the SS (Streamside Overlay) zoning designation, to  
PDZ/SS (Planned Development Zone District with the Streamside  
Overlay Zone) for multi-family residential land use, with a maximum  
building height of 85 feet, and a maximum density of 87.72 DUs/acre, for  
the purpose of setting a public hearing date for July 25, 2023 and  
providing notice of the ordinance.  
Ryan Tefertiller, Urban Planning Manager, Planning and Community  
Development Department  
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community  
Development Department  
Attachments: Ordinance  
This Item was approved on the Consent Calendar.  
A Resolution Authorizing the Acquisition of Real Property Owned By  
JCJK Real Estate, LLC To Be Used For The Central Bluffs Substation  
Jessica K. Davis, Land Resource Manager, Colorado Springs Utilities  
Travas Deal, Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Springs Utilities  
This Resolution was adopted on the Consent Calendar.  
A Resolution Finding A Public Purpose In A Lease For Less Than Fair  
Market Value To The State Of Colorado, Department Of Higher  
Education, By The State Board For Community Colleges And  
Occupational Education For The Use And Benefit Of Trinidad State  
Junior College In Support Of The Rocky Mountain Line Technician  
This Resolution was adopted on the Consent Calendar.  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Motion by Councilmember Avila, seconded by President Helms, that all  
matters on the Consent Calendar be passed, adopted, and approved by  
unanimous consent of the members present. The motion passed by a vote of  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
5. Recognitions  
There were no Recognitions.  
6. Mayor's Business  
There was no Mayor’s Business.  
7. Citizen Discussion For Items Not On Today's Agenda  
Citizen Corey Gifford spoke about the number of fireworks being set off  
after 9:00 PM in his neighborhood.  
Citizen Lawrence Martinez stated he does not feel the Mayor’s new  
community organization will be effective, the discourse between the police  
department and citizens needs to be repaired before asking the citizens to  
retain their Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) refund, and there is a hole in  
the pavement along both sides of the sidewalk at Monterey and Kodiak.  
Citizen Jaymen Johnson expressed appreciation for the citizens who  
spoke today, encouraged the public to participate in the Walmart backpack  
collection for students, recommended the City host drone shows instead of  
fireworks for Fourth of July celebrations, and the sidewalks which need to  
be repaired may be the responsibility of a metropolitan district.  
Citizen Woody Longmire expressed support of the placeholder to get the  
TABOR refund initiative on the ballot.  
Citizen Andrew Dalby spoke in opposition of Colorado Senate Bill 190.  
Citizen Angela Gilpin, Maverick Observer, spoke about the Office of  
Accessibility meetings having poor quality of the transcriptions of the  
meetings, videos which are not archived, and that American Sign  
Language (ASL) interpreters are only brought in if requested.  
8. Items Called Off Consent Calendar  
Ordinance No. 23-31 of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado  
Providing for the Refunding of Certain Outstanding Utilities System  
Revenue Bonds of the City; Providing for the Extension, Betterment,  
Other Improvement and Equipment of the City of Colorado Springs  
Utilities System; Providing for the Issuance and Sale of the City of  
Colorado Springs, Colorado, Utilities System Improvement Revenue  
Bonds, Series 2023a in an Aggregate Principal Amount not to Exceed  
$250,000,000, and the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Utilities  
System Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2023b in an Aggregate  
Principal Amount Not to Exceed $186,000,000, Payable Solely Out of  
the Net Revenues to be Derived From the Operation of the City of  
Colorado Springs Utilities System; Authorizing the Execution by the City  
of a Paying Agent Agreement, Escrow Agreement, a Bond Purchase  
Agreement, and an Official Statement Related Thereto; and Providing  
Other Matters Relating Thereto  
Tristan Gearhart, Chief Planning and Finance Officer, Colorado Springs  
Travas Deal, Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Springs Utilities  
Tristan Gearhart, Chief Planning and Finance Officer, Colorado Springs  
Utilities (CSU), presented the Ordinance for the issuance of the Series  
2023A refunding series and 2023B new money series up to approximately  
$250M to support the financing activity. He provided a brief overview of the  
new money debt issuance (2023A) and refunding debt issuance (2023B).  
Councilmember O’Malley stated he pulled this item from the Consent  
Calendar because he does not feel they have effectively addressed the  
needs in the strategic planning which is outdated. He stated some of the  
issues brought up include fuel price volatility management and funding of  
large future capital programs. He recommended City Council vote against  
this item so they can address the strategic plan more effectively. Mr.  
Gearhart stated CSU is aware that they have additional spending needed  
in order to meet the demand of the City, they build their infrastructure to  
support growth, these bonds would take the capital spending out to  
September 2024, and the interest rates issued on these bonds will be  
evaluated for future savings.  
Councilmember Risley asked what is included in the capital spending. Mr.  
Gearhart provided an overview of the top five projects by service line for  
Travas Deal, Chief Executive Officer, CSU, stated they understand the list  
of what they need to continue to do to maintain the current system is  
endless and they will continue to address the strategic plan for growth with  
key stakeholders.  
Councilmember O’Malley asked how much debt is being refinanced. Mr.  
Gearhart stated $186 million. Councilmember O’Malley asked if the rate  
payers are able to purchase via retail the first issuance of bonds. Mr.  
Gearhart stated it is a bit difficult for an individual investor, but if they went  
through an agent, the bonds can be individually purchased. Councilmember  
O’Malley stated the refinancing of the bonds does make sense to him so  
he will be voting in favor on this item and requested additional information  
regarding the strategic planning.  
President Helms stated he appreciates Councilmember O’Malley’s  
analysis and forward thinking, and he will also be supporting this item  
because he supports the four key objectives outlined in the document.  
President Helms stated he will be supporting this item because he  
supports the four key objectives outlined in the document.  
Councilmember Henjum stated she also supports this item and  
encouraged Councilmembers to attend the CSU Finance Committee  
meeting scheduled for July 17, 2023 so some of these budget questions  
can be answered.  
Councilmember Donelson stated support of CSU by Council is important  
and additional information can be obtained from the CSU Finance  
Committee meetings.  
Councilmember Talarico stated she would like to discuss a better  
alignment between finance, strategic planning, and project committees in  
order to provide a better understanding of the big picture.  
Motion by Councilmember Avila, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber, that  
Ordinance No. 23-31 of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado providing for the  
refunding of certain outstanding Utilities System Revenue bonds of the City;  
providing for the extension, betterment, other improvement and equipment of  
the City of Colorado Springs Utilities System; providing for the issuance and sale  
of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Utilities System Improvement Revenue  
Bonds, Series 2023a in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed  
$250,000,000, and the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Utilities System  
Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2023b in an aggregate principal amount not to  
exceed $186,000,000, payable solely out of the net revenues to be derived from  
the operation of the City of Colorado Springs Utilities System; authorizing the  
execution by the City of a Paying Agent Agreement, Escrow Agreement, a Bond  
Purchase Agreement, and an Official Statement related thereto; and providing  
other matters relating thereto be finally passed. The motion passed by a vote of  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
9. Utilities Business  
There was no Utilities Business.  
10. Unfinished Business  
There was no Unfinished Business.  
11. New Business  
There was no New Business.  
There was no Public Hearing.  
12. Public Hearing  
13. Added Item Agenda  
There were no items added to the Agenda.  
14. Executive Session  
In accord with City Charter art. III, § 3-60(d) and its incorporated  
Colorado Open Meetings Act, C.R.S. § 24-6-402(4)(b) and (e), the City  
Council, in Open Session, is to determine whether it will hold a Closed  
Executive Session. The issue to be discussed involves consultation with  
the City Attorney and discussing strategy for negotiations and instructing  
negotiators regarding an economic development and incentive  
The President of Council shall poll the City Councilmembers, and, upon  
consent of two-thirds of the members present, may conduct a Closed  
Executive Session. In the event any City Councilmember is participating  
electronically or telephonically in the Closed Executive Session, each  
City Councilmember participating in the Closed Executive Session shall  
affirmatively state for the record that no other member of the public not  
authorized to participate in the Closed Executive Session is present or  
able to hear the matters discussed as part of the Closed Executive  
Session. If consent to the Closed Executive Session is not given, the  
item may be discussed in Open Session or withdrawn from  
Wynetta Massey, City Attorney  
Ben Bolinger, Legislative Counsel, City Attorney’s Office, stated in accord  
with City Charter art. III, § 3-60(d) and its incorporated Colorado Open  
Meetings Act, C.R.S. § 24-6-402(4)(b) and (e), the City Council, in Open  
Session, is to determine whether it will hold a Closed Executive Session.  
The issue to be discussed involves consultation with the City Attorney and  
discussing strategy for negotiations and instructing negotiators regarding  
an economic development and incentive agreement.  
Council President Helms polled Council regarding the desire to proceed  
with a Closed Executive Session. At least two-thirds of Council agreed to  
proceed in Closed Executive Session.  
15. Adjourn  
Upon completion of the Closed Executive Session, there being no further  
business to come before City Council, Council adjourned.  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk