City Hall  
107 N. Nevada Avenue  
Colorado Springs, CO  
City of Colorado Springs  
Meeting Minutes  
City Council  
City Council meetings are broadcast live on Channel 18. In  
accordance with the ADA, anyone requiring an auxiliary aid to  
participate in this meeting should make the request as soon as  
possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.  
Tuesday, August 13, 2024  
10:00 AM  
Council Chambers  
How to Watch the Meeting | Facebook Live: Colorado Springs City Council  
Facebook Page @coscity Council | SPRINGS TV - Comcast Channel 18 / 880 (HD)  
- Stratus IQ Channel 76 / 99 (Streaming)  
How to Comment on Agenda Items  
Before the meeting, you may email general comments for items not on the agenda or  
comments regarding agenda items to:  
During the meeting, those who wish to comment should submit their name, telephone number,  
and the topic or agenda item for comment via in addition to  
calling +1 720-617-3426 United States, Denver (Toll) and entering this Conference ID: 462  
324 295#  
Estimated agenda item times are provided for planning purposes and do not constitute notice  
of a specific time for any item. Items may take more or less time than estimated. City Council  
may amend the order of items.  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
President Helms called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.  
9 -  
Councilmember Yolanda Avila, President Pro Tem Lynette Crow-Iverson,  
Councilmember Dave Donelson, President Randy Helms, Councilmember Nancy  
Henjum, Councilmember David Leinweber, Councilmember Mike O'Malley,  
Councilmember Brian Risley, and Councilmember Michelle Talarico  
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance  
The Invocation was made by Chaplain Bill Norris from the Bible Missionary  
President Helms led the Pledge of Allegiance.  
3. Changes to Agenda/Postponements  
Councilmember Donelson requested items 4B.B. to be removed from the  
Consent Calendar.  
President Helms requested item 10.A. be moved to after item 4.  
Consensus of Council agreed to these changes on the agenda.  
A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the  
City of Colorado Springs, Colorado, El Paso County, Colorado and the  
Colorado Department of Transportation for a Comprehensive Roadway  
Access Control Plan for SH 83  
Gayle Sturdivant, PE, PMP, Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer  
Todd Frisbie, PE, PTOE, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works  
COS CDOT SH 83 ACP 09242024  
Complete Draft Co 83 ACP 331002877 August 28 2024  
Councilmember Risley requested this item be postponed to the September  
10, 2024 City Council meeting in order for the Exhibits to be corrected to  
align with the language in the agreement.  
Motion by Councilmember Risley, seconded by President Pro Tem Crow-Iverson,  
that this Resolution be postponed to the September 10, 2024 City Council  
meeting. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
4. Consent Calendar  
These items will be acted upon as a whole, unless a specific item is called for  
discussion by a Councilmember or a citizen wishing to address the City Council.  
(Any items called up for separate consideration shall be acted upon following the  
Mayor's Business.)  
4A. Second Presentation:  
4A.A. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-60 annexing into the City of Colorado Springs that  
area known as Dublin Park Addition No. 1 Annexation consisting of 2.06  
acres located 125 feet west of the end of Integrity Court and south of  
Cottonwood Creek.  
Chris Sullivan, Senior Planner, Planning and Neighborhood Services  
Kevin Walker, Interim Planning Director, Planning and Neighborhood  
This Ordinance was finally passed on the Consent Calendar.  
4A.B. ZONE-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-61 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado  
Springs pertaining to 2.06 acres establishing a PK/SS-O/AF-O (Public  
Park with Streamside and United States Air Force Academy Overlay)  
zone district based upon the findings that the request complies with the  
criteria for a Zoning Map Amendment as set forth in City Code Section  
Chris Sullivan, Senior Planner, Planning and Neighborhood Services  
Kevin Walker, Interim Planning Director, Planning and Neighborhood  
This Ordinance was finally passed on the Consent Calendar.  
4B. First Presentation:  
City Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 23, 2024  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk  
The Minutes were approved on the Consent Calendar.  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Motion by Councilmember Avila, seconded by Councilmember Henjum, that  
all matters on the Consent Calendar be passed, adopted, and approved by  
unanimous consent of the members present. The motion passed by a vote of  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
5. Recognitions  
City Council Appointments to Boards, Commissions, and Committees  
Randy Helms, Council President and Councilmember District 2  
President Helms presented the City Council Appointments to Boards,  
Commissions, and Committees for the Airport Advisory Committee.  
Motion by Councilmember Henjum, seconded by Councilmember Talarico, that  
the appointments to the Airport Advisory Commission be approved. The motion  
passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
President Helms presented the City Council Appointments to Boards,  
Commissions, and Committees for the Law Enforcement Transparency  
and Advisory Commission (LETAC).  
Citizen Tymm Hoffman, nominee appointee, to the LETAC provided a brief  
history of himself, his family, and his background.  
Citizens Heather Cloninger, Brandi Lea, Jason Hodgson, Meron Hoffman,  
Theresa Null, Bernadette Guthrie, Kat Gayle, and Darayus Gorimaar spoke  
in support of Mr. Hoffman’s appointment.  
Citizen Derrick Willburn, Jim Robertson, Brett Dayberry, Janice Taylor, Ivy  
Liu, Pattie Gould, Jeany Rush, and Darcy Shoeining spoke in opposition of  
Mr. Hoffman’s appointment.  
Mr. Hoffman stated he welcomes a conversation with anyone who would  
like to meet with him, and he is not anti-police or anti-American and he is  
concerned about the City.  
President Helms requested the two appointees be bifurcated. Consensus  
of City Council agreed to President Helm’s request.  
Councilmember Leinweber stated he will not be supporting the  
appointment of Mr. Hoffman because the erosion of trust between the  
community and the police, the declining mental health of the police force,  
and he does not believe Mr. Hoffman can separate his deep family  
concerns and what is political.  
Councilmember Talarico requested additional information from the  
Councilmember who served on the selection committee regarding the  
nomination of Mr. Hoffman. Councilmember Donelson stated six  
Councilmembers were not at Mr. Hoffman’s interview, there is only support  
from one of the three Councilmembers who interviewed him, Mr. Hoffman  
can still provide input to the committee without serving on the committee,  
City Council emails are available to the public through the Colorado Open  
Records Act (CORA), and the committee Chair should not be soliciting  
people to speak for or against a nominee.  
Councilmember O’Malley stated his choice was Jonathan Williams.  
President Helms stated City Councilmembers are liaisons to the  
committee and do not vote on the committee, but they are responsible for  
appointing members to the committee, Mr. Hoffman gave a really good  
interview, they had to weigh whether he would be more positive or negative  
to LETAC, he also preferred Mr. Williams, and has some concerns  
appointing Mr. Hoffman.  
Councilmember Donelson stated if a majority of the Councilmembers who  
interviewed for the position do not recommend the appointment, it should  
end there and not come before City Council for a predictable vote.  
Councilmember Avila stated LETAC is not an accountability committee, it  
is an advisory committee who had 130 applicants, and originally City  
Council wanted diversity on the committee. She apologized to Mr. Hoffman  
for subjecting him to the criticism he was given today, provided an overview  
of the current members on LETAC which she feels has become less and  
less diverse, and the committee should be pro community/police  
Motion by Councilmember Avila, seconded by Councilmember Henjum, that the  
appointment of Tymm Hoffman to the Law Enforcement Transparency and  
Advisory Commission be approved. The motion failed by a vote of 2-7-0-0  
2 - Avila, and Henjum  
7 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and Talarico  
Councilmember O'Malley made a motion that Johnathan Williams, nominee  
appointee as an alternate member to LETAC, be moved to a voting  
member of LETAC.  
Motion by Councilmember O'Malley, seconded by Councilmember Donelson, that  
the appointment of Johnathan Williams as a voting member to the Law  
Enforcement Transparency and Advisory Commission be approved. The motion  
passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
6. Mayor's Business  
There was no Mayor’s Business.  
7. Citizen Discussion For Items Not On Today's Agenda  
Citizens James Howard, Ted Collins, and Roe Collins stated their small  
businesses were victim to smash and grab robberies and requested City  
Council work with them to prevent this type of crime from occurring.  
Citizen Theresa Null spoke about how she feels the Citadel Mall is unsafe.  
Citizens Dutch Shultz, President, Old North End Neighborhood, Dianne  
Bridges, Historic Neighborhoods Partnership, Cheryl Brown, President,  
Historic Uptown Neighborhood Association, Tam Walenski, Lisa Bigelow,  
Tim Hoiles, Jeff Norton, Dana Duggan, and Kat Gayle spoke in favor of a  
ballot issue regarding building height limits.  
8. Items Called Off Consent Calendar  
A Resolution declaring the intent of the City of Colorado Springs,  
Colorado to carry forward its 2024 allocation of private activity bonds for  
the purpose of constructing multi-family housing for low-and  
middle-income families or persons.  
Katie Sunderlin, Acting Chief Housing Officer, Housing and Community  
Vitality Department  
Katie Sunderlin, Acting Chief Housing Officer, Housing and Community  
Vitality Department, presented the Resolution declaring the intent of the  
City to carry forward its 2024 allocation of private activity bonds (PAB) for  
the purpose of constructing multi-family housing for low-and middle-income  
families or persons. She provided an overview of the private activity bonds  
(PAB) 2024 allocations, carryforward purposes, use and carryforward  
options, available PAB, and progress on previously issued projects.  
Councilmember Donelson stated he pulled this item from the Consent  
Calendar so he could go on record asking if location is one of the factors in  
which PAB projects get approved and how it is being welcomed by the  
neighborhood that it would be in or the surrounding area. He stated he  
does not want to see another example like Royal Pines where the City had  
to rezone the property and the neighborhood expected medical buildings,  
not high-density apartments which is now being challenged in court.  
Councilmember Donelson requested staff to notify City Council if there is  
going to be strong objections from the neighborhoods otherwise, he will be  
voting no on these PAB projects.  
Motion by Councilmember Avila, seconded by Councilmember Talarico, that the  
Resolution declaring the intent of the City to carry forward its 2024 allocation of  
private activity bonds for the purpose of constructing multi-family housing for  
low-and middle-income families or persons be adopted. The motion passed by a  
vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
9. Utilities Business  
There was no Utilities Business.  
10. New Business  
A Resolution Submitting To The Registered Qualified Electors Of The  
City Of Colorado Springs, Colorado, At The Coordinated Election  
Conducted By Mail Ballot To Be Held On Tuesday, November 5, 2024,  
The Question Of Extending For Ten (10) Years The Existing 0.57%  
Temporary City Sales And Use Tax For Road Repairs And  
Improvements Within The City, As A Continuation Of A Voter-Approved  
Revenue Change; Providing For The Form Of The Ballot Title And Text;  
Providing For Certain Matters With Respect To The Election; And  
Providing The Effective Date Of This Resolution  
Yemi Mobolade, Mayor  
Travis Easton, P.E., Deputy Chief of Staff - Infrastructure and  
Richard Mulledy, PE, Public Works Director  
Gayle Sturdivant, PE, PMP, Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer  
Gayle Sturdivant, Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer presented  
the Resolution submitting to the registered, qualified electors of the City the  
question of extending for a ten-year period the temporary sales and use tax  
for road repairs and improvements at a rate of 0.57 percent as a voter  
approved revenue change (2C) and provided a brief overview of 2C, the  
importance of maintenance, accomplishments of 2C, how 2C is managed,  
2015 system condition, 2020 system condition, current system condition,  
and projected system condition. She identified 2C methodology, what is  
next for 2C, draft ballot question, and 2C 2026 through 2035.  
Mayor Yemi and Councilmember Henjum encouraged citizens to vote yes  
on this ballot question.  
Citizen Devin Camacho, Director of Government Affairs, spoke in support  
of this ballot question.  
Citizen Tim Hoiles stated if 2C is passed, City Staff needs to be held  
accountable for how the revenue is spent.  
Motion by Councilmember Avila, seconded by Councilmember Henjum, that the  
Resolution submitting to the registered qualified electors of the City of Colorado  
Springs, Colorado, at the coordinated election conducted by mail ballot to be  
held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, the question of extending the temporary  
sales and use tax for road repairs and improvements at a rate of 0.57% for a  
ten-year period as a voter approved revenue change exempt from spending and  
revenue limitations; providing for the form of the ballot title; providing for certain  
matters with respect to the election; and providing the effective date of this  
Resolution be adopted. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
An Ordinance Submitting A Charter Amendment To The Registered  
Electors Of The City Of Colorado Springs, Colorado, At The  
Coordinated Election Conducted By Mail Ballot To Be Held On  
November 5, 2024, Adding A New Section 15-130 Of The City Charter  
Prohibiting Retail Marijuana Establishments  
Lynette Crow-Iverson, President Pro Tem and Councilmember At Large  
President Pro Tem Crow-Iverson presented the Ordinance submitting a  
Charter amendment to the registered electors of the City at the November  
5, 2024 Coordinated Election, adding a new Section 15-130 prohibiting  
retail marijuana establishments. She provided an overview of what  
commercialization looks like, THC potency explosion-Colorado data, 2021  
teen deaths by suicide: marijuana is number one substance in toxicology  
results among fifteen- to nineteen-year-olds, youth mental health/suicide  
crisis in Colorado, percentage of marijuana present in autopsy toxicology  
screen for suicides among fifteen- to eighteen-year-olds from 2014 to  
2021, public/policy misperceptions, and El Paso County overview. She  
identified the reasons to reject commercialization in the City, public health  
statements regarding adolescent marijuana use, and the organization One  
Chance to Grow Up.  
Citizen Tom Scudder, Truman Bradley, Adam Gillard, Liz Zukowski, Stan  
Zisles, Chauncy Johnson, Bryon Andenoff, and Sasha Kalcheff Korn spoke  
in opposition of the proposed Charter amendment.  
Citizens Jack Briggs, Diane Carlson, Doug Robinson, Alton Dilard,  
Jennifer Yates, in favor of the proposed Charter amendment.  
Councilmember Avila asked if the number of signatures were sufficient for  
the citizen initiative. Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk, stated the verification  
process has not been completed yet.  
Councilmember Avila asked if marijuana use has the same outcomes as  
alcohol use. Mr. Briggs stated it does not.  
Councilmember Avila asked if Mr. Chauncey Johnson was in support of the  
proposed Charter amendment to be put on the ballot since he spoke about  
voter suppression. Mr. Johnson stated he is not; he supports the citizen  
initiative to be put on the ballot but putting both on the ballot would confuse  
Councilmember Henjum stated it is currently illegal to sell recreational  
marijuana in Colorado Springs, adding an alternative ballot issue may be  
confusing to voters, there may be unintentional consequences of a Charter  
amendment, the marijuana industry is heavily regulated, there is a concern  
marijuana will be sold on the black market, there will be a loss of revenue,  
and prohibition of alcohol did not work, but she will be voting to put this on  
the ballot in order to let the people decide.  
Councilmember O’Malley stated the City is home to five military  
installations which require very stringent national security practices which  
includes not doing drugs and he supports this initiative wholeheartedly.  
Councilmember Talarico stated she will be supporting this ballot measure  
due to her personal experience with family members obtaining medical  
marijuana cards and the amount of THC in the product.  
Councilmember Avila stated marijuana is already here, this initiative just  
states the City will not receive the sales tax revenue for the sale of it, and  
addiction is different from the sale of it, much like how it is for alcohol.  
Motion by Councilmember O'Malley, seconded by Councilmember Risley, that  
the Ordinance submitting a Charter amendment to the registered electors of the  
City of Colorado Springs, Colorado, at the Coordinated Election conducted by  
mail ballot to be held on November 5, 2024, adding a new Section 15-130 of the  
City Charter prohibiting retail marijuana establishments be approved on first  
reading. The motion passed by a vote of 8-1-0-0  
A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the El  
Paso County Clerk and Recorder and the City of Colorado Springs  
regarding the conduct and administration of the November 5, 2024,  
Coordinated Election  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk  
There were no comments on this item.  
Motion by Councilmember O'Malley, seconded by Councilmember Risley, that  
the Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the El Paso  
County Clerk and Recorder and the City of Colorado Springs regarding the  
conduct and administration of the November 5, 2024, Coordinated Election be  
adopted. The motion passed by a vote of 8-1-0-0  
8 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and Talarico  
1 - Avila  
An Ordinance of the City of Colorado Springs determining it is  
necessary to establish the Old Colorado City Downtown Development  
Authority and submitting a question of creating the Old Colorado City  
Downtown Development Authority, a question of establishing an ad  
valorem tax mill levy at a rate not to exceed five mills within the  
boundaries of said district, a question of exempting revenues collected  
for the Old Colorado City Downtown Development Authority from Article  
X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution, Section 7-90 of the Charter  
of the City of Colorado Springs, and statutory revenue limitations, and a  
question of authorizing the issuance of debt for the Old Colorado City  
Downtown Development Authority by the City of Colorado Springs at the  
election on November 5, 2024, and authorizing certain other actions  
concerning the election, determining organizational aspects of the Old  
Colorado City Downtown Development Authority Board, and providing  
other details related thereto.  
Jamie Giellis, President, Centro Inc.  
Jamie Giellis, President, Centro Inc., Consultant to Old Colorado City  
(OCC) Partnership, provided an overview of the necessity to establish the  
OCC Downtown Development Authority (DDA), plan for OCC’s future, their  
approach, participation in initial engagement, questions asked, vision for  
OCC, deciding on a tool to support OCC, focus areas for  
funding/leadership, and proposed district boundary. She identified the  
demographics of the area, potential tools for OCC, stakeholders for DDA  
formation, generating financial resources, DDA funding, Board  
composition, DDA creation process, proposed ballot language, DDA Plan  
of Development, and statements of support.  
Councilmember Donelson requested additional information regarding an  
inactive voter. Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk, explained that an inactive  
voter is someone who has had an election mail piece come back as  
undeliverable or they have not voted in two years, but if they want to vote in  
an election, they can re-register and then be issued a ballot.  
Councilmember Donelson asked how the City Council representative is  
determined. Ms. Giellis stated it is the Council representative for the area  
in which the district is being formed. Councilmember Donelson stated City  
Council may want the option to select someone else to represent. Trevor  
Gloss, Attorney, City Attorney’s Office, stated the proposed Ordinance  
does not specify the district the Councilmember needs to be from.  
Councilmember O’Malley asked what is not currently being serviced by the  
City of Colorado Springs. Ms. Giellis stated what they have heard from the  
community is there are multiple groups that have formed over the years to  
take on different interest areas but none of them have any sort of  
sustainable source of funding and this is creating a consolidated  
organization with a clear leadership voice who can become a better  
partner to the City in delivering services in the area and who can  
communicate better with the City about what the needs are of the  
community and when they met with the City Departments, they indicated  
that they do not know how best how to best work with the community to  
identify where the highest level service needs are.  
Councilmember Donelson asked who will be mailing the ballots out. Ms.  
Giellis stated Spencer Fane, LLC, will be coordinating the election.  
Councilmember Donelson asked if there was a minimum number of votes  
needed to pass this. Ms. Giellis stated there is not because it is not  
required by State statute.  
Councilmember Talarico asked if this Ordinance is approved by City  
Council only allows this initiative to be voted on by residents but does not  
approve any aspects of the DDA. Ms. Giellis stated that is correct.  
President Helms asked why OCC does not join the current DDA or create  
a Business Improvement District instead. Ms. Giellis stated there are  
challenges with expansion of a DDA because once the district is formed,  
the only way to opt in is to go each parcel owner one by one and the issue  
about forming a BID is that the cost of any improvements or investments in  
the area would fall on the business owners even though the residential  
parcels which are intermixed would also receive benefit from the safety and  
security being added and residents would not have a voice on a BID.  
Councilmember Leinweber stated the reason there needs to be a separate  
district is because of the different needs of the different communities and  
he will be supporting this initiative.  
Citizens Ryan Lloyd, Adam Stepan, Becca Sickbert, Becky Powell, Sarah  
Vaas, Jay Gust, Cassidy Sedlacek, Andrea Warner, Justin Trudeau, and  
Dana Duggan spoke in support of the proposed Ordinance.  
President Helms asked if the proposed DDA would replace the current  
Colorado Avenue Gateway Special Improvement Maintenance District  
(SIMD). Ms. Powell stated it would.  
President Helms asked if residents pay taxes for the SIMD. Ms. Powell  
stated they do not.  
President Helms asked if the dissolution of the Gateway SIMD would have  
to go on the ballot. Mr. Gloss stated it would be handled after the creation  
of the DDA and the general practice is to take the mill levy down to zero  
and distribute the money back to the City or another organization. Charae  
McDaniel, Chief Financial Officer, stated the current mill levy for the SIMD  
is 1.009 mills, if the DDA were passed, they would come to City Council to  
set the mill levy to zero, so the SIMD is no longer functioning, and dissolve  
the board.  
Jariah Walker, Executive Director, Colorado Springs Urban Renewal  
Authority (CSURA), stated his main concern is with the lack of modeling  
regarding the sales tax revenue for the proposed DDA because TIF is  
highly controversial and is challenged often.  
Citizen Dana Duggan stated Councilmember Leinweber’s business may  
benefit from the DDA. Councilmember Leinweber stated his business is  
not located within the proposed DDA boundaries.  
Mr. Gloss stated the applicant has requested the Ordinance be amended  
because it was discovered that Jamie Dodd resided just outside of the  
proposed boundary so they would like to request that Jamie Dodd be  
replaced with Becky Cooper Powell as a board member.  
Councilmember Donelson requested there be a minimum of forty percent  
of the number of ballots returned. Ben Bolinger, Corporate Division Chief,  
Office of the City Attorney, stated they have not found the authority that this  
is allowed in State statute. Councilmember Donelson requested this item  
be postponed until this is researched further.  
Councilmember Avila stated she does not feel it is right to put that  
minimum condition on the DDA.  
Councilmember O’Malley stated he is not going to support this based on  
the statement that the government is not doing its job, but he does support  
Councilmember Donelson’s request to postpone it.  
Mr. Gloss stated because this is an Ordinance which requires two  
readings, if it is postponed it will not be approved in time for the election.  
Ms. Johnson stated the election is scheduled for November 5, 2024. Mr.  
Bolinger asked if the election could be held on a different day. Ms. Geillis  
stated per State law, it could not.  
Councilmember Donelson asked if a special City Council meeting could be  
held if the proposed amendment is considered substantial and the  
Ordinance requires a third reading. Ms. Johnson stated the City Charter  
requires a minimum of ten days between each reading of an Ordinance.  
Mr. Gloss stated State statute CRS 31.25.804 states if a majority of the  
qualified electors voting in the election vote for the establishment of a  
Downtown Development Authority, the authority shall be established  
pursuant to the provisions, so the state statute is requiring a simple majority  
of the qualified electors that vote it does not say Council can alter that with  
a minimum voter requirement. Councilmember Donelson and President  
Pro Tem Crow-Iverson withdrew their proposed amendment to require a  
minimum number of ballots returned.  
Motion by Councilmember Henjum, seconded by Councilmember Talarico, that  
this Ordinance allowing the questions to be put before the electorate within the  
district with the amendment that board member Jamie Dodd be replaced with  
Becky Cooper Powell as a board member. The motion passed by a vote of 8-1-0-0  
8 - Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
1 - O'Malley  
11. Unfinished Business  
Amara Annexations Second Readings  
These items will be heard at 1:00 PM.  
Estimated time: 2 hours  
11.A. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-62 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 1 Annexation Consisting Of 0.644  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
President Helms introduced the Ordinances annexing to the City Amara  
Addition No. 1 through No. 24 Annexations.  
Todd Evans, Deputy City Manager, City of Fountain, stated they have not  
been included in any of the conversations regarding the annexation  
agreement. Councilmember Risley requested the City to respond to Mr.  
Evans comments. Travis Easton, Deputy Chief of Staff, stated if this  
annexation is approved, the applicant and the City will be contacting the  
City of Fountain regarding the details of the annexation.  
John Graham, Mayor of Manitou Springs, Nancy Fortune, Mayor Pro Tem  
Manitou Springs, spoke in opposition of the annexation.  
Councilmember Avila asked what services Colorado Spring Utilities (CSU)  
provides to Manitou Springs. Mayor Graham stated CSU provides electric,  
natural gas, and bulk service for wastewater to Manitou Springs and the  
cumulative total is over $300,000 over the span of eleven years. Tristan  
Gearhart, Chief Planning and Financial Officer, CSU, stated the impacts  
from a potential rider, based on the cost they have been presented  
throughout the annexation process, shows that for a typical residential  
customer, the impact would be $8.52 a month for first year of the rider, it  
goes down in the subsequent years when there is less capital infrastructure  
being put in place, and it goes back up again if there is a year where  
there's more capital infrastructure being put into the development and the  
$300,000 is what they calculated for Manitou Springs over an eleven year  
Councilmember Avila asked if wastewater is included in that cost. Mr.  
Gearhart stated he will need to research that because it is bulk service  
through a tariff.  
Citizens Tom Strand, Brett Smith, Tom Wilson, Drew Petrie, Susan Patee,  
Kevin Treble, Chris Bender, Tim Hatton, Dana Duggan, Hayley Gleason,  
and Bill Murray spoke in support of the Amara annexation.  
Citizens Maggie Hanna, Jay Frost, Jack Goble, Michael Bartolo, Ryan  
Hemphill, Matt Heimrich, Mike Roe, Brett Smith, Mary Sprunger-Froese,  
Karen Simon, LeRad Niles, Jack Damoli, Dallas May, spoke in opposition  
of the Amara annexation.  
Councilmember Leinweber asked if they do not vote for this, will Council  
have any say in the growth of the region. Mr. Strand stated approving this is  
a step in the right direction and doing right for the community by providing  
housing for them.  
Councilmember Risley asked if CSU was in partnership with the  
community in the Arkansas Valley. Mr. Heinrich confirmed they are, but no  
one said they were going to annex 3,500 acres and build a city south of  
Colorado Springs.  
Councilmember Talarico asked how LaPlata Communities will ensure  
developers will provide affordable and attainable housing. Mike  
Ruebenson, Chief Operating Officer, La Plata Communities, representing  
the applicant, stated it has been defined that eighty percent or less  
Average Median Income(AMI) which allows someone to pay thirty percent  
of their income to housing and La Plata Communities has voluntarily  
committed to build a minimum of seven percent of homes which fit in that  
Councilmember Leinweber asked what the differences are between City  
and El Paso County stormwater standards. Richard Mulledy, Director,  
Public Works Department, stated this development would be held to meet  
Colorado Springs drainage criteria which is very substantial and over the  
past ten years, the City has invested in improving water quality.  
Councilmember Henjum asked how builders will be held accountable to  
build affordable housing to United States Department of Housing and  
Urban Development (HUD) standards. Mr. Ruebenson stated they will  
require builders to participate in the program they develop to manage that  
and even though it is not a part of the annexation agreement, they have  
publicly committed to provide that.  
Councilmember Leinweber requested additional information regarding  
childcare as infrastructure. Mr. Ruebenson stated military personnel  
emphasized the need for childcare in the community. Doug Quimby,  
President and Chief Executive Officer, La Plata Communities, representing  
the applicant, stated he is a founder of the Early Childhood Business  
Council (ECBC), they care very much about this issue, and rather than  
building a large fitness center, they would provide childcare facilities as an  
amenity as part of the infrastructure which the residents of the community  
could take advantage of, and they would partner with operators to operate  
the childcare facilities.  
Councilmember Avila asked if this annexation would cost School District  
11 $1 million. Mr. Gearhart stated they do not share customer information  
because it is customer protected information.  
Councilmember Avila requested Lisa Bachman, Bachman PR,  
representing the applicant, to speak regarding community engagement.  
Ms. Bachman provided a summary of her role and what she did in terms of  
public outreach for the project.  
President Helms requested additional information from La Plata  
Communities regarding the CSU rider. Mr. Ruebenson stated it is a  
proposed rider because it has not been approved by Utilities Board, the  
average is $2.28 per month for residential, $23.48 per month for  
commercial, the cost to serve Amara is no different than the cost to serve  
any other greenfield development in the City, La Plata is one hundred  
percent responsible for utility extensions which is not put on the rate payer  
at all, and the cost of investment ($95 million) that CSU makes to serve the  
area is typically paid through CSU base rates. He stated adding the cost of  
Amara (two percent of CSU’s overall regulatory and reliability investment  
cost of $3.7 billion) would cause issues with CSU’s bonding situation which  
is why the rider was created.  
Mr. Gearhart provided a brief overview of other annexations within the City  
and CSU’s role in them have been. He stated the need for a System  
Extension Rider is exclusively driven by annexation.  
Councilmember Avila asked if the rider would be eliminated once there  
were new paying customers in the annexed area. Mr. Gearhart stated the  
need for the rider is driven by CSU’s debt ratio, which needs to be between  
fifty and fifty-four percent, and their strong credit ratings resulting in lower  
borrowing costs and CSU would evaluate the right time to remove the rider  
based on where they are with their debt ratio.  
Councilmember Henjum stated she does not know if it is fair to expect  
ratepayers to be responsible for decisions made by developers. Mr.  
Gearheart stated because the cost needs to be recovered and with the  
regulatory pressure, reliability, and the growth that is all hitting at the same  
time, this is a bit different than what they have seen at the time of the other  
annexations. Mr. Ruebenson stated this occurs throughout the City when  
CSU brings on additional customers and when Amara is at full buildout,  
ratepayers would generate $25 million which could go towards capital.  
Councilmember Henjum stated the Utilities Policy Advisory Committee  
(UPAC) will be voting this fall on rate case and they have been reevaluating  
how development and growth pays for itself.  
Councilmember Henjum requested additional information regarding CSU’s  
acquisition of water and the residents of the Arkansas River Valley. Lisa  
Barbato, Chief System Planning and Projects Officer, CSU), stated they do  
an annual Integrated Resource Plan to determine water needs for the City,  
they still have approximately 34,000 acre-feet of water to meet the full  
buildout of the community, they work very closely with the farmers of the  
Arkansas River Valley, they are hoping to acquire 15,000 to 25,000  
acre-feet of water from them but there is no guarantee that they will get it,  
and it is important to have a partnership with them to ensure they do not  
negatively impact their economy or community.  
Councilmember Avila stated she believes this is a question of where the  
City puts their priorities which in the past has been to the north and  
because the Southeast does not have a master plan, it has been  
bypassed, and even though there is a cost for this annexation, there is a  
well thought out master plan for the community. She stated the City needs  
more affordable housing and density, this area will be developed but it may  
be without the high standards of Amara, and if resources run out, the City  
will have to be the supplier anyway so she will be supporting this  
Councilmember Leinweber outlined the number of jobs anticipated to be  
coming to the City and because of these commitments, the City needs to  
provide the product they require and therefore he will be supporting this  
Councilmember Talarico stated she does not take anybody’s cost increase  
lightly and the reasons she will be supporting this annexation is because  
there is a critical need for housing in the Southeast, they need to support  
the military, childcare will be a future benefit to the residents, Amara is  
paying one hundred percent of the cost to extend utilities, the City should  
control how this area grows, and economic vitality supports the needs of all  
Councilmember Donelson stated there are reasonable arguments in favor  
of the Amara annexation, however, he does not believe the citizens of  
Colorado Springs support it and it is wrong to let the City become  
something that the majority of the citizens dislike, He stated they need to  
control the rate of growth so City services and infrastructure can keep up  
with it and he does not want citizens to lose faith that City Council truly  
represents them.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 0.644 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 1 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.B. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-63 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 2 Annexation Consisting Of 0.957  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 0.957 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 2 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.C. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-64 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 3 Annexation Consisting Of 3.519  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 3.519 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 3 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.D. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-65 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 4 Annexation Consisting Of 1.878  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 1.878 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 4 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.E. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-66 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 5 Annexation Consisting Of 7.381  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 7.381 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 5 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.F. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-67 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 6 Annexation Consisting Of 7.448  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 7.448 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 6 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.G. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-68 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 7 Annexation Consisting Of 9.192  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 9.192 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 7 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.H. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-69 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 8 Annexation Consisting Of 4.951  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 4.951 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 8 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-70 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 9 Annexation Consisting Of 2.223  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 2.223 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 9 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.J. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-71 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 10 Annexation Consisting Of 7.117  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 2.223 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 10 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.K. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-72 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 11 Annexation Consisting Of  
145.176 Acres  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 145.176 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 11 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.L. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-73 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 12 Annexation Consisting Of  
105.274 Acres  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 105.274 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 12 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.M. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-74 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 13 Annexation Consisting Of  
85.462 Acres  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 85.462 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 13 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.N. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-75 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 14 Annexation Consisting Of 2.633  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 2.633 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 14 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.O. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-76 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 15 Annexation Consisting Of  
188.445 Acres  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 188.445 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 15 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.P. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-77 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 16 Annexation Consisting Of  
191.096 Acres  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 191.096 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 16 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.Q. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-78 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 17 Annexation Consisting Of  
153.337 Acres  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 153.337 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 17 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.R. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-79 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 18 Annexation Consisting Of  
372.380 Acres  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 372.380 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 18 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.S. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-80 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 19 Annexation Consisting Of  
305.431 Acres  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 305.431 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 19 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.T. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-81 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 20 Annexation Consisting Of  
86.744 Acres  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 86.744 acres as Amara  
Addition No. 20 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation  
complies with the Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7  
Section 7.6.203 be finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.U. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-82 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 21 Annexation Consisting Of  
337.474 Acres  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 337.474 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 21 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.V. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24- 83 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 22 Annexation Consisting Of  
816.132 Acres  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 816.132 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 22 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.W. ANEX-23-00 Ordinance No. 24-84 Annexing To The City Of Colorado Springs That  
Area Known As Amara Addition No. 23 Annexation Consisting Of  
390.593 Acres  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the annexation of 390.593 acres as Amara Addition  
No. 23 Annexation based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the  
Conditions for Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
11.X. ZONE-24-00 Ordinance No. 24-85 Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of  
Colorado Springs Pertaining To 3172.796 Acres Located Near The  
Northeast Corner Of Squirrel Creek Road And Link Road, And South Of  
Bradley Road Establishing The A (Agricultural) Zone District  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Please see comments in Agenda item 11.A.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Ordinance approving the establishment of the A (Agriculture) zoning  
district for the Amara Annexation, based upon the findings that the request  
complies with the criteria set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.5.603.B be  
finally passed. The motion failed by a vote of 4-5-0-0  
4 - Avila, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
5 - Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, and O'Malley  
12. Public Hearing  
There was no Public Hearing.  
13. Added Item Agenda  
There were no items added to the Agenda.  
14. Executive Session  
There was no Executive Session.  
15. Adjourn  
There being no further business to come before City Council, President  
Helms adjourned the meeting at 8:04 PM.  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk