City Hall  
107 N. Nevada Avenue  
Colorado Springs, CO  
City of Colorado Springs  
Meeting Minutes  
City Council  
City Council meetings are broadcast live on Channel 18. In  
accordance with the ADA, anyone requiring an auxiliary aid to  
participate in this meeting should make the request as soon  
as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled  
Tuesday, May 23, 2023  
10:00 AM  
Council Chambers  
How to Watch the Meeting | Facebook Live: Colorado Springs City Council  
Facebook Page @coscity Council | SPRINGS TV - Comcast Channel 18 / 880 (HD)  
- Stratus IQ Channel 76 / 99 (Streaming)  
How to Comment on Agenda Items  
Before the meeting, you may email general comments for items not on the agenda or  
comments regarding agenda items to:  
During the meeting, those who wish to comment should submit their name, telephone  
number, and the topic or agenda item for comment via in  
addition to calling +1 720-617-3426 United States, Denver (Toll) and entering this  
Conference ID: 767 220 078#  
Estimated agenda item times are provided for planning purposes and do not constitute  
notice of a specific time for any item. Items may take more or less time than estimated.  
City Council may amend the order of items.  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
9 - Councilmember Yolanda Avila, President Pro Tem Lynette Crow-Iverson,  
Councilmember Dave Donelson, President Randy Helms, Councilmember Nancy  
Henjum, Councilmember David Leinweber, Councilmember Mike O'Malley,  
Councilmember Brian Risley, and Councilmember Michelle Talarico  
President Pro Tem Lynette Crow- Iverson attended the meeting virtually.  
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance  
The Invocation was made by Chaplain Victoria Heim from Crossroads  
President Helms led the Pledge of Allegiance.  
3. Changes to Agenda/Postponements  
There were no changes to the Agenda.  
4. Consent Calendar  
These items will be acted upon as a whole, unless a specific item is called for  
discussion by a Councilmember or a citizen wishing to address the City Council.  
(Any items called up for separate consideration shall be acted upon following the  
Mayor's Business.)  
4A. Second Presentation:  
Ordinance No. 23-21 Setting the Salary of Mayor Pursuant to City  
Charter § 13-20(a)  
Mike Sullivan, Human Resources Director  
This Ordinance was finally passed on the Consent Calendar.  
SUBD-22-01 Ordinance No. 23-22 vacating a portion of an alley adjacent to Lots 4  
and 5, L.K. Adams Addition No. 1 consisting of 2,244 square feet (.05  
Related Files: SUBD-22-0113  
William Gray, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development  
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community  
Development Department  
This Ordinance was approved on first reading on the Consent Calendar.  
ZONE-22-00 Ordinance No. 23-23 amending the zoning map of the City of  
Colorado Springs relating to 35.727-acres located southeast of the  
future Marksheffel Road and Barnes Road intersection, from PUD  
(Planned Unit Development: Single-Family Residential, 3.5 to 7.99  
dwelling units per acre, 35’ maximum building height; Multi-Family  
Residential, 12-24.99 du/ac, 45’ maximum building height; and  
Commercial, 40,000 square feet gross floor area, 45’ maximum  
building height with Airport Overlay) to PUD/AO (Planned Unit  
Development: Commercial, 40,000 square feet gross floor area, 45  
feet maximum building height; and Residential, 24.99 dwelling units  
per acre maximum density, 45’ maximum building height with Airport  
Related Files: MAPN-22-0008, PUDC 22-0005  
William Gray, Senior Planner  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development  
This Ordinance was finally passed on the Consent Calendar.  
ZONE-23-00 Ordinance No. 23-24 amending the zoning map of the City of  
Colorado Springs relating to 3.83 acres located at the intersection of  
Adventure Way and Quail Brush Drive from A/AO (Agricultural with  
Airport Overlay) to PBC/AO (Planned Business Center with Airport  
Overlay [to be known as MX-M AP-O (Mixed Use Medium Scale with  
Airport Overlay)]).  
Related Files: COPN-23-0001  
Kyle Fenner, Senior Planner, Planning & Community Development  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development  
This Ordinance was finally passed on the Consent Calendar.  
ZONE-22-00 Ordinance No. 23-25 amending the zoning map of the City of  
Colorado Springs relating to 1.779 acres located at 535 East Costilla  
Street, from PIP-1/CR (Planned Industrial Park/Condition of Record)  
to MX-M (Mixed-Use Medium Scale)  
Related Files: COPN-22-0019  
Matthew Alcuran, Planner II, Planning and Community Development  
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community  
This Ordinance was finally passed on the Consent Calendar.  
ZONE-22-00 Ordinance No. 23-26 amending the zoning map of the City of  
Colorado Springs related to 4.54-acres from OC/CR/AO/APZ-1/RPZ  
(Office Commercial with Conditions of Record, Airport Overlay,  
Accident Protection Zone-1, and Runway Protection Zone) to  
PBC/AO/APZ-1/RPZ (Planned Business Center (to be known as  
MX-M (Mixed-Use Medium Scale) with Airport Overlay, Accident  
Protection Zone-1 and Runway Protection Zone) based upon the  
findings that the change of zone request complies with the zone  
change criteria as set forth in Section 7.5.603  
Related Files: MAPN-22-0010, COPN-22-0027, PUDZ-22-0007, and  
Chris Sullivan, Senior Planner, Planning & Community Development  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development  
This Ordinance was finally passed on the Consent Calendar.  
PUDZ-22-00 Ordinance No. 23-27 amending the zoning map of the City of  
Colorado Springs related to 17.32-acres from OC/CR/AO/APZ-1/RPZ  
(Office Commercial with Conditions of Record, Airport Overlay,  
Accident Protection Zone-1, and Runway Protection Zone) to PUD/AO  
(Planned Unit Development with Airport Overlay (to be known as  
PDZ/AP-O (Planned Development Zone with Airport Overlay)  
Single-family Residential, 3.5-11.99 dwelling units per acre;  
Multi-family, 12-24.99 dwelling units per acre; 45-foot maximum  
building height), generally located south of Hwy 94 at Marksheffel  
Related Files: MAPN-22-0010, ZONE-22-0023, COPN-22-0027, and  
Chris Sullivan, Senior Planner, Planning & Community Development  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development  
This Ordinance was finally passed on the Consent Calendar.  
4B. First Presentation:  
City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 9, 2023  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk  
The Minutes were approved on the Consent Calendar.  
Special City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 17, 2023  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk  
The Minutes were approved on the Consent Calendar.  
A resolution of the City Council of the City of Colorado Springs,  
Colorado approving the issuance of Ridge at Sand Creek Metropolitan  
District Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Series 2023 in the  
amount not to exceed $2,590,000 and related bond documents, for a  
district located in the east central area of Colorado Springs  
Mike Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community Development  
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director  
This Resolution was adopted on the Consent Calendar.  
A resolution rescinding Resolution No. 09-22 and establishing  
development application fees and charges for the Land Use Review  
Division of the Planning and Development Department  
Morgan Hester, Planning Supervisor  
Mike Tassi, Assistant Director of Planning and Community  
This Resolution was adopted on the Consent Calendar.  
SUBD-23-00 Ordinance No. 23-28 vacating a remaining portion of a public  
right-of-way known as Country Lane No. 2 consisting of 4,807 square  
feet located between 7529 Rustic Lane and 7629 Rustic Lane.  
Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Community  
Peter Wysocki, AICP, Planning Director, Planning and Community  
This Ordinance was approved on first reading on the Consent Calendar.  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Motion by Councilmember Henjum, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that all matters on the Consent Calendar be passed, adopted, and approved  
by unanimous consent of the members present. The motion passed by a vote  
of 9-0-0-0  
9 - Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
5. Recognitions  
A resolution honoring May 29, 2023 as Memorial Day  
Dave Donelson, Councilmember District 1  
Councilmember Donelson read the Resolution honoring May 29, 2023  
as Memorial Day and identified the Memorial Day Remembrance  
Service scheduled for Monday, May 29, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:00  
PM at Memorial Park to commemorate the veterans who gave their life  
for their country. He read a letter to the editor called “The Rest of the  
Story” in the Sunday Gazette from a father, Retired Lieutenant Colonel  
Barry S. Oswell, whose son died in Iraq.  
Councilmember O’Malley spoke about how many merchant mariners  
who transport troops and supplies during wartime who also lost their  
Jeff Greene, Chief of Staff, spoke about the importance of also  
recognizing Victory in Europe Day and his great uncle who served in  
Europe as a marine and lost one of his arms.  
Motion by Councilmember O'Malley, seconded by Councilmember Donelson, that  
the Resolution honoring May 29, 2023 as Memorial Day be adopted. The motion  
passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 - Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
A resolution recognizing June 2 to June 8 as Small Business Week in  
the Pikes Peak Region  
Michelle Talarico, Councilmember District 3  
Councilmember Talarico read the Resolution recognizing June 2 to June  
8 as Small Business Week in the Pikes Peak Region and expressed  
gratitude for the support of small businesses in the community.  
Councilmember Risley stated small businesses are powerful economic  
drivers and commended the commitment of small business owners to  
their employees and families.  
Councilmember Leinweber identified some of the challenges from  
mandates small businesses face and requested support from  
organizations such as the Better Business Bureau and the Colorado  
Springs Chamber of Commerce and EDC.  
Councilmember Avila express appreciation for small businesses who  
give back to nonprofit organizations.  
Jeff Greene, Chief of Staff, expressed support of the Resolution and  
stated that both of his parents were small business owners.  
Motion by Councilmember Henjum, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber, that  
the Resolution recognizing June 2 to June 8 as Small Business Week in the Pikes  
Peak Region be adopted. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 - Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
A resolution recognizing June 2023 as Alzheimer’s Brain Awareness  
Randy Helms, Council President & Councilmember District 2  
President Helms read the Resolution recognizing June 2023 as  
Alzheimer’s Brain Awareness Month.  
Councilmember Donelson spoke about his father’s battle with  
Alzheimer’s disease and identified eight of the risk factors associated  
with Alzheimer’s.  
RoseMary Jaramillo, Regional Director, Alzheimer’s Association, spoke  
about the need for equal access to early treatment, provided an  
overview of their organization, and stated the 2023 Walk to End  
Alzheimer’s is scheduled for September 30, 2023 at Memorial Park.  
Jeff Greene, Chief of Staff, expressed appreciation for this recognition  
and stated his father suffered from Alzheimer’s in the last few years of  
his life.  
Motion by Councilmember O'Malley, seconded by Councilmember Henjum, that  
the Resolution recognizing June 2023 as Alzheimer's Brain Awareness Month be  
adopted. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 - Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
6. Mayor's Business  
Introduction of Andrew Notbohm as the new Regional Emergency  
Management and Recovery Director  
Jeff Greene, Colorado Springs Mayor’s Chief of Staff  
Randy Helms, City Council President and District 2 Representative  
Jeff Greene, Chief of Staff, introduced Andrew Notbohm as the new  
Regional Emergency Management and Recovery Director and stated  
they went through a very extensive recruitment and interview process.  
President Helms stated he and Councilmember O’Malley participated in  
the selection panel and Mr. Notbohm stood out among the candidates  
as the right person for the position.  
Councilmember O’Malley welcomed Mr. Notbohm and stated they would  
be happy to extend his knowledge base at the federal level.  
Councilmember Henjum stated she participated in the SparkHire part of  
the hiring process and said Mr. Notbohm stood out in that group as well.  
Mr. Notbohm stated he is honored to lead the Regional Office of  
Emergency Management.  
7. Citizen Discussion For Items Not On Today's Agenda  
Citizens Andrew Dalby, Jay Inman, Christine Collins, and Chris Ann  
Young requested City Council oppose Senate Bill 190.  
Citizen Jaymen Johnson expressed appreciation for the recognitions  
given by City Council at today's meeting and spoke about his wife’s  
battle with cancer and brain tumors which caused her symptoms which  
mirrored Alzheimer’s.  
8. Items Called Off Consent Calendar  
There were no items called off the Consent Calendar.  
9. Utilities Business  
President Helms introduced Somer Mese, Chief Operations Officer,  
Colorado Springs Utilities.  
There was no Utilities Business.  
10. Unfinished Business  
There was no Unfinished Business.  
11. New Business  
Ordinance No. 23-29 amending Ordinance No. 22-90 (2023 Budget  
Appropriation Ordinance) for a supplemental appropriation to the  
Lodgers & Auto Rental Tax (LART) Fund in the amount of $710,460  
for additional projects and events recommended by the LART Citizen  
Advisory Committee; and to the Capital Improvements Program (CIP)  
Fund in the amount of $250,000 for a LART-funded capital project  
that will be administered by the City of Colorado Springs Parks,  
Recreation and Cultural Services Department  
Chris Fiandaca, City Budget Manager  
PK McPherson, Chair, LART Citizen Advisory Committee  
Charae McDaniel, Chief Financial Officer, presented the Ordinance for a  
supplemental appropriation to the Lodgers & Auto Rental Tax (LART)  
Fund in the amount of $710,460 for nineteen additional projects and  
events recommended by the LART Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC);  
and to the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Fund in the amount of  
$250,000 for a LART-funded capital project that will be administered by  
the City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services  
Department and provided an overview of the off-cycle review of LART  
application process.  
Councilmember Henjum express support of the funding for the North  
Cheyenne Canyon park which is used significantly by tourists.  
Councilmember Leinweber stated that outdoor recreation is a huge  
economic driver for the City and requested LART take a look at what  
truly brings visitors to the area.  
Councilmember O’Malley stated he supports Councilmember  
Leinweber’s request.  
Citizens Dave Dazlich, Vice President, Government Affairs, Colorado  
Springs Chamber and EDC, spoke about the role of LART funding in  
economic attraction to organizations and expressed support of the LART  
CAC recommendations.  
Becky Leinweber, Executive Director of the Pikes Peak Outdoor  
Recreation Alliance, provided an overview of the value of the outdoor  
recreation industry and stated they have pursued a multi-year contract  
with the City for LART funding for over a year to no avail.  
Councilmember Henjum stated she does support the conversation on  
outdoor recreation but does not believe the City wants to be in a similar  
position as Moab, UT where they do not have the infrastructure to  
support the number of tourists who visit.  
Councilmember Leinweber stated the primary issue is there are entities,  
such as the forest service and Colorado Springs Utilities, which are not  
interested in growing outdoor recreation and there are plenty of outdoor  
recreational opportunities which the City could invest LART money in.  
Councilmember Donelson stated he supports the LART CAC  
recommendations and Colorado Springs Utilities is interested in growing  
outdoor recreation but their first responsibility is to protect their rate  
payers and the security of water and other resources.  
President Helms stated it is very important to maintain reliability of  
utilities and keep costs low for the rate payers and supports the  
proposed Ordinance.  
PK McPherson, Chair, LART CAC, stated they are very supportive of  
outdoor recreation, however, they can only support organizations and  
events which submit applications for funding.  
Councilmember Leinweber stated that the arts community, the Cultural  
Office of the Pikes Peak Region (COPPeR), has a $240,000 per year  
contract for LART money yet the Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation  
Alliance has requested a contract but was denied.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico, that  
the Ordinance approving a supplemental appropriation to the Lodgers & Auto  
Rental Tax (LART) Fund and the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Fund be  
approved on first reading. The motion passed by a vote of 8-1-0-0  
8 - Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, O'Malley, Risley, and Talarico  
1 - Leinweber  
12. Public Hearing  
There was no Public Hearing.  
13. Added Item Agenda  
There were no items added to the Agenda.  
14. Executive Session  
There was no Executive Session.  
15. Adjourn  
President Helms, Councilmember Henjum, and Councilmember Talarico  
expressed appreciation for Jeff Greene, Chief of Staff, and his service to  
the City of Colorado Springs.  
There being no further business to come before City Council, Council  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk