Virtual Meeting - Microsoft  
City of Colorado Springs  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Downtown Review Board  
Tuesday, June 4, 2024  
9:00 AM  
Regional Development Center (Hearing Room)  
2880 International Circle  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
8 -  
Board Member Nolette, Board Member Kuosman, Board Member Coats, Board  
Member Hensler, Board Member Lord, Board Member Friesema, Board Member  
Mikulas and Board Member Luciano  
1 - Board Member Kronstadt  
2. Changes to Agenda/Postponements  
3. Communications  
Ryan Tefertiller, Urban Planning Manager  
Mr. Tefertiller reminded the board members to please reply to emails confirming  
their meeting attendance to ensure there is a quorum prior to the meeting.  
The 26th year of Art on the Streets is having a celebration on June 6th. Mr.  
Tefertiller recognized Johnny Malpica for his efforts on permitting and making  
sure those installations meet the needs of the City and don’t conflict the public’s  
use of the right of way.  
Prior to the next DRB meeting there is likely to be discussion at a City Council  
work session about building height regulation city-wide. Mr. Tefertiller  
encouraged board members to listen in on those conversations.  
The July DRB meeting was supposed to have the item postponed from the May  
meeting, but they have heard from the library district that they may not be ready.  
There will still need to be a meeting in order to officially postpone that item,  
since it was previously postponed to a date certain. In that case, it will be a  
virtual meeting.  
Chair Lord asked a question about the form-based code and staff’s  
recommendation on building height. Mr. Tefertiller said they are working  
internally to finalize a draft of the updates to the form-based code that have  
been presented over the last several months. It will still need to be reviewed by  
the City Attorney’s office and there will have to be a public stakeholder process  
and notices to make sure affected property owners are aware of the proposed  
changes. Mr. Tefertiller said it likely won’t be back in front of this board for a  
recommendation to City Council until the fall. There are some considerations  
with timing in relation to some other big code-related efforts going to City  
Council. Staff is not proposing any major changes related to building height;  
however, if it does end up becoming a ballot initiative in November, it would  
make sense to delay the updates to the form-based code until after the  
outcome of that vote.  
Chiar Lord then asked the City Attorney if board members should be careful  
when speaking in public about building height, since the issue may come before  
them in the future. Mr. Tefertiller said this would be a legislative issue that is  
city-wide, so he felt it would not be inappropriate for board members to speak  
about it if they were asked. City Attorney Young Shin agreed with that  
statement. If anything does come up they feel is concerning, they can reach out  
to the City Attorney’s office. Mr. Tefertiller added that if people are asking about  
a specific building that may come before the board, they should refrain from  
engaging in that conversation.  
4. Approval of the Minutes  
Minutes for the May 7, 2024, Downtown Review Board Meeting  
David Lord, Downtown Review Board Chair  
Motion by Board Member Kuosman, seconded by Board Member Mikulas, to  
approve the minutes for the May 7, 2024, Downtown Review Board Meeting. The  
motion passed by a vote of 8-0.  
8 -  
Board Member Nolette, Board Member Kuosman, Board Member Coats, Board  
Member Hensler, Board Member Lord, Board Member Friesema, Board Member  
Mikulas and Board Member Luciano  
1 - Board Member Kronstadt  
5. Consent Calendar  
6. Items Called Off Consent Calendar  
7. Unfinished Business  
8. New Business  
FBZN-24-000 An FBZ conditional use development plan to allow the conversion of an  
existing restaurant tenant space within a neighborhood shopping center  
into a bar. The subject property is located at 1107 South Nevada  
Johnny Malpica, Planner II, Urban Planning Division, Planning +  
Neighborhood Services  
Johnny Malpica, Planner II, gave an overview of this application. This project is  
a conversion of a space into a bar, which is a conditional use in the form based  
zone. The proposal includes interior modifications that do not require a building  
permit. Public notice was provided and two public comments were received.  
Those comments identified deteriorating conditions of the surrounding  
neighborhood, namely homelessness, drug use, theft and acts of violence.  
Both comments expressed opposition to another bar serving alcohol.  
There were no comments received during agency review. Staff finds that the  
application meets the review criteria.  
Board Member Coats asked what the existing use of the space is. Mr. Malpica  
said it has been used for various retail purposes. The conditional use is  
required also because of the need for a liquor license.  
Board Member Hensler asked if the neighboring restaurants also have liquor  
licenses and if there is an issue with multiple in-line businesses having them.  
Mr. Malpica said that restaurants are classified as receiving less than 50% of  
their revenue from alcohol and do not require the conditional use approval.  
Board Member Mikulas asked about the operating hours of the surrounding  
businesses. Mr. Malpica said he was not aware of what those hours are.  
The applicant, Carlo Guerrier, was present for questions. Chair Lord asked him  
to share a little about the business and the plan to address concerns. Mr.  
Guerrier said they will have on-site security to keep bad behavior in check. His  
biggest goal is to provide a place for everybody to come and relax. He  
acknowledged that dealing with the homeless is a problem and they do their  
best to mitigate any issues.  
Board Member Nolette asked what the operating hours would be. Mr. Guerrier  
said noon to 2 a.m.  
Board Member Mikulas asked what their target audience will be. Mr. Guerrier  
said everybody is welcome.  
Motion by Board Member Hensler, seconded by Board Member Kuosman, to  
approve the proposed FBZ conditional use development plan based on the  
findings that conditional use criteria found in City Code section 7.5.704 are met.  
The motion passed by a vote of 8-0.  
8 -  
Board Member Nolette, Board Member Kuosman, Board Member Coats, Board  
Member Hensler, Board Member Lord, Board Member Friesema, Board Member  
Mikulas and Board Member Luciano  
1 - Board Member Kronstadt  
9. Presentations  
10. Adjourn