30 S. Nevada Ave., Suite  
City of Colorado Springs  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Historic Preservation Board  
Monday, August 5, 2024  
4:30 PM  
City Administration Building  
30 S Nevada Avenue, Suite 102  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
5 -  
Chair Lowenberg, Board Member Baumgartner, Board Member Fitzsimmons, Board  
Member Potter and Board Member Hines  
2 - Board Member Musick and Board Member Beerbaum  
2. Changes to Agenda/Postponements  
3. Communications  
Bill Gray-Senior Planner  
Jennifer Orrigo Charles, Executive Director of Colorado Preservation Inc.,  
will attend the September HPB meeting to discuss the 2025 Saving Places  
Conference being hosted in Colorado Springs.  
Mr. Gray said that they are anticipating an application for a new Historic  
Preservation Overlay District for Parkside to be submitted to the City in  
August or September. The HPB will likely be reviewing this sometime in  
the fall.  
On June 25th City Council approved the rezoning to mixed use for the  
Union Printer’s Home. The next steps will include the preparation of  
development plans, but there is no timeline yet.  
The consultant for the Historic Resource Survey plan is continuing to do the  
window survey throughout the City. Mr. Gray acknowledged the Historic  
Neighborhood Partnership, who assisted by soliciting volunteers and  
providing photographs. Stakeholder meetings are continuing. Next steps  
will be meeting with the HPB and others to discuss what kind of criteria is  
used to prioritize future survey work. A draft is expected by early fall with a  
final draft by the end of the year or the first part of next year  
4. Approval of the Minutes  
Minutes for the June 3rd, 2024 Historic Preservation Board Meeting  
Christine Lowenberg, Board Chair  
Motion by Board Member Hines, seconded by Board Member Fitzsimmons, to  
approve the minutes for the June 3rd, 2024 Historic Preservation Board Meeting.  
The motion passed by a vote of 5-0.  
5 -  
Chair Lowenberg, Board Member Baumgartner, Board Member Fitzsimmons, Board  
Member Potter and Board Member Hines  
2 - Board Member Musick and Board Member Beerbaum  
5. Consent Calendar  
Motion by Board Member Baumgartner, seconded by Board Member Hines, to  
approve the Consent Calendar. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0.  
5 -  
Chair Lowenberg, Board Member Baumgartner, Board Member Fitzsimmons, Board  
Member Potter and Board Member Hines  
2 - Board Member Musick and Board Member Beerbaum  
HIST-24-000 A Report of Acceptability to allow a rear deck addition located at 2116  
North Tejon Street.  
William Gray, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
HIST-24-000 A Report of Acceptability for a roof mounted solar addition on the house  
located at 11 East Madison Street.  
William Gray, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
6. Items Called Off Consent Calendar  
7. Unfinished Business  
8. New Business  
9. Presentations  
10. Adjourn