City of Colorado Springs  
Regional Development Center  
2880 International Circle  
Colorado Springs, CO 80910  
Meeting Minutes  
Wednesday, December 13, 2023  
9:00 AM  
Regional Development Center (Hearing Room)  
2880 International Circle  
Planning Commission  
All meetings are open to the public. Those who wish to participate may do so  
in-person, online, or via phone.  
Conference Call: Dial 1-720-617-3426, enter Conf ID: 910 370 844# and wait to be  
MS Teams: Copy and paste or type into your web browser to join the MS Teams  
Attendees participating by telephone or MS Teams will be muted upon entry to the  
meeting. Please wait to be called on before speaking.  
If you know you would like to comment on an agenda item, please contact the case  
planner for the item at 719-385-5905. If you are unable to contact them, there will still  
be an opportunity to speak during the meeting.  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
Call to Order and Roll Call  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
8 - Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Briggs, Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner  
Hensler, Commissioner Hente, Commissioner Cecil, Commissioner Rickett and  
Chair Slattery  
1 - Commissioner McMurray  
1.A. Election of Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair  
Election of the Chair and Vice Chair of the City Planning Commission  
Peter Wysocki  
Motion by Commissioner Hensler, seconded by Commissioner Briggs to approve  
Andrea Slattery as Chair of the City Planning Commission. The motion passed by  
a vote of 8:0.  
8 - Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Briggs, Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner  
Hensler, Commissioner Hente, Commissioner Cecil, Commissioner Rickett and  
Chair Slattery  
1 - Commissioner McMurray  
Motion by Commissioner Slattery, seconded by Commissioner Hensler to  
approve Colby Foos as Vice Chair of the City Planning Commission. The motion  
passed by a vote of 8:0.  
8 - Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Briggs, Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner  
Hensler, Commissioner Hente, Commissioner Cecil, Commissioner Rickett and  
Chair Slattery  
1 - Commissioner McMurray  
1.B. Selection and Nomination of Planning Commissioners to Various Boards  
and Committees  
Election of the Chair and Vice Chair of the City Planning Commission  
Peter Wysocki  
Motion by Commissioner Cecil, seconded by Commissioner Foos, to approve  
Nadine Hensler as the City Planning Commission representative to serve on the  
Downtown Review Board. The motion passed by a vote of 8:0  
8 - Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Briggs, Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner  
Hensler, Commissioner Hente, Commissioner Cecil, Commissioner Rickett and  
Chair Slattery  
1 - Commissioner McMurray  
2.A Approval of the Minutes  
CPC-23-585 Minutes for the October 11, 2023, Planning Commission Meeting  
Scott Hente, Chair of the City Planning Commission  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Briggs, to approve  
the minutes for the October 11, 2023, Planning Commission hearing. The motion  
passed by a vote of 7:0.  
7 - Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Briggs, Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner  
Hensler, Commissioner Hente, Commissioner Rickett and Chair Slattery  
1 - Commissioner McMurray  
1 - Commissioner Cecil  
CPC-23-645 Minutes for the November 17, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting  
James McMurray, City Planning Commission Vice Chair  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Slattery, to  
approve the minutes for the November 17, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting.  
The motion passed by a vote of 4:0.  
4 - Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Commissioner Rickett and Chair  
1 - Commissioner McMurray  
4 - Commissioner Briggs, Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner Hente and Commissioner  
2.B. Changes to Agenda/Postponements  
3. Communications  
Peter Wysocki - Planning & Community Development Director  
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director, formally welcomed  
Commissioner Cecil to her first formal Planning Commission meeting. He also thanked  
Elena Lobato for her assistance in running the formal meeting. He wished everyone a  
happy holiday season.  
4. Consent Calendar  
2315 Larimie Drive ADU  
CUDP-23-00 A Conditional Use to allow for an integrated ADU in an R1-6  
(Single-Family Residential Medium) zoned district consisting of a  
7,110 sq. ft. lot located at 2315 Laramie Dr. (Quasi-Judicial)  
Johnny Malpica, AICP, Planner II, Planning + Neighborhood  
This Planning Case was accepted on the Consent Calendar  
Greenways Neighborhood Park Filing No. 1  
An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado  
Springs relating to 45.33 acres located southeast of N Carefree  
Circle and Tutt Blvd from PDZ/AP-O/SS-O (Planned Development  
Zone with Airport and Streamside Overlays) to PK/AP-O/SS-O  
(Public Park with Airport and Streamside Overlays).  
(Quasi-Judicial) (Second Reading and Public Hearing)  
Ann Odom, Planner II, Planning + Neighborhood Services.  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Greenways - Staff Report  
Project Statement_Land Use Statement  
Greenways - Ordinance  
Greenways - Context Map  
Exhibit A  
Exhibit B  
Greenways consent minutes  
Greenways - Ordinance  
Greenways - Staff Report  
Applicant Presentation - Greenways Neighborhood Park  
CC Ready - All Public Comments  
Exhibit A  
Exhibit B  
Greenways - CC Staff Presentation  
This Planning Case was accepted on the Consent Calendar  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Motion by Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Commissioner Rickett, to  
approved the consent calendar. The motion passed by a vote of 8:0.  
8 - Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Briggs, Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner  
Hensler, Commissioner Hente, Commissioner Cecil, Commissioner Rickett  
and Chair Slattery  
1 - Commissioner McMurray  
These items will be acted upon as a whole, unless a specific item is called for  
discussion by a Commissioner/Board Member or a citizen wishing to address the  
Commission or Board. (Any items called up for separate consideration shall be  
acted upon following the Consent Vote.)  
5. Items Called Off Consent Calendar  
Quick Quack South Academy  
CUDP-23-00 A Conditional Use to allow a Automobile and Light Vehicle Wash  
in the MX-M (Mixed-Use Medium Scale) zone district consisting of  
1.97 acres located at 3002 South Academy Boulevard.  
Austin Cooper Planner II, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Austin Cooper, Planner II, presented the scope of project.  
The applicant’s representative, Haley Peterson with Lone Star Builders, presented the  
scope of the project.  
Public Comments  
Paul Jones, citizen, spoke in opposition of the project. He lives right next to the  
project site area and was worried about traffic.  
Steve Wilcox, citizen, spoke in opposition of the project.  
Additional comments from Commissioners  
Commissioner Rickett inquired who legally owns the shared entrance of the project.  
Mr. Cooper, stated he wasn’t sure at the time. Commissioner Rickett stated he  
believes that information needed to be provided before formally voting on the item.  
Chair Hente inquired if the car wash was going to use the shared access on the  
opposite side of the site. Mr. Cooper confirmed the shared access would be used.  
Katie Carleo, Land Use Planning Manager, pulled up the original plat to follow up on  
Commissioner Rickett’s comments. The plat states for the proposed lot for this  
development, all parking spaces and driving lanes shall be ingress, egress and parking  
easements for the use by of Sax Village businesses.  
Commissioner Slattery requested to see the concept plan. Mr. Cooper responded  
because it is a conditional use with a land use statement, there would not be a  
concept plan at this point.  
Commissioner Briggs inquired if the project would have to coordinate with neighbors  
to get their approval first, to which the applicant representative confirmed.  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Foos, to  
approve the Conditional Use based upon the finding that the request  
complies with the criteria as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.601. The  
motion passed by a vote of 8:0  
8 - Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Briggs, Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner  
Hensler, Commissioner Hente, Commissioner Cecil, Commissioner Rickett  
and Chair Slattery  
1 - Commissioner McMurray  
6. Unfinished Business  
7. New Business  
An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado  
Springs relating to 60.28 acres located northwest of Old Ranch  
Road and Powers Boulevard from PK (Public Park) to R-Flex Low  
zone district.  
(Quasi-Judicial - 1st Reading only to set the public hearing for  
January 23, 2024)  
Katelynn Wintz, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Neighborhood  
Land Use Plan_Ovation  
Traffic Impact Analysis  
7.5.514 LAND USE PLAN  
Exhibit B  
Exhibit A  
Katelynn Wintz, Planning Supervisor, presented the scope of the project.  
The applicant’s representative, Britt Haley, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural  
Services, presented the scope of the project.  
Questions from commissioners  
Commissioner Foos inquired if the 352 acres would mostly go to habitat restoration.  
Britt Haley, Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services stated it won’t be a  
highly activated space and would allow wildlife to roam freely.  
Commissioner Hensler inquired if the area has always been zoned park land, to which  
Ms. Haley confirmed it has been zoned as park land since 2003.  
Commissioner Briggs inquired if there is some sort of protection with the funding, and  
if there were other proposed locations. Furthermore, he inquired if the donation of  
the land is tied to the transaction.  
Ms. Haley responded PLDO fees were utilized to purchase the property, so it would go  
back into the dedicated fund into the Park Land Dedication fee. There were other  
locations that were looked at, but there was not a preferred site at the time. The  
donation of the land was tied to the transaction.  
Commissioner Rickett requested an explanation of the difference between Parks and  
Ms. Haley responded TOPS was a sales use tax dedicated to purchase lands and trails  
for parks and open spaces. The program was originally suggested by the public, and it  
equates to a penny for every $10 purchase that qualified. The TOPS program is unique  
in that it doesn't have the same restrictions and difficulties that other properties have  
with regard to continued funding, maintenance, stewardship.  
Chair Hente requested an elaboration on the couple of properties to the south that  
were colored in dark purple. Ms. Haley responded every dark purple area was part of  
the donation, and there were four separate properties via donation.  
The developer, La Plata, presented the scope of the project.  
Questions from Commissioners  
Commissioner Foos inquired on the potential access to Powers Boulevard and  
whether or not it was a graded dirt path. Additionally, he asked who would maintain  
the potential access.  
The developer stated that portion of the project has not been fully figured out yet,  
but they anticipate it would need to be paved, which they were certainly willing to do.  
Commissioner Briggs inquired who would be responsible for the space between the  
fence and Powers Boulevard.  
The developer stated that was part of CDOT right-of-way, so they would not have  
control over that.  
Commissioner Almy inquired what the intended use of the 9 acre plot would be and,  
if it were not to be picked up, what would it be used for.  
The developer stated the 9 acres were actually the southern portion of the property  
and it would remain with city parks if they were not to be picked up.  
Commissioner Hensler inquired if City Council was aware of the rezoning proposal  
when they unanimously approved this. The developer confirmed they were aware.  
Furthermore, she asked if the builders would comply with the sprinkler requirements.  
The developer stated the sprinklers were part of the discussion. There was feedback  
received on initial costs of additional sprinklers, which was around $15,000/unit. The  
system itself was cheaper, but cost more as the water tap would need to be  
upgraded. The two builders La Plata was working with have agreed to implement the  
sprinklers in each unit.  
Commissioner Briggs inquired if there was a way to work with CDOT to have the  
portion between the fence line to Powers Boulevard paved. He also inquired where  
the drainage ditch was located.  
The developer stated the general drainage pattern is to the north. Todd Frisbie with  
City Traffic stated CDOT would not allow any access that goes up to the road, so the  
area would not be paved.  
Commissioner Rickett asked if the city has swapped responsibility back and forth with  
the state. Todd Frisbie confirmed that it has in the past. Commissioner Rickett stated  
if this project were to move forward, there would need to be more organization and a  
true exit would need to be created.  
Commissioner Briggs asked if there was a representative from School District 20  
available. He inquired if D20 took into account the community responses of  
overcrowding of schools. He also stated D20 always take the payment as opposed to  
considering a new facility or school. He inquired why that was always their response.  
Katelynn Wintz, Planning Supervisor, stated a representative from D20 was not  
available. She elaborated based on codified requirement with PLDO, there was a  
school section. As many were aware, education campuses were quite large in size,  
and there were a number of requirements that the district had to consider from a  
facilities perspective to determine if they could accept land dedication. Related to  
different applications of different sizes, that was an independent decision that they  
were able to make as the enforcers of that section of the code for land dedication or  
fees in lieu of, as it related to the district. Their response at that time for that  
particular application was that there were an adequate number of school facilities  
throughout District 20, which allowed for them to absorb new students. As it related  
to capacity, there were different levels at the different groupings of schools.  
Elementary had a class size maximum that had to be enforced; middle and high  
schools had different protocols that had unlimited classroom sizes because they were  
based on education.  
Commissioner Briggs inquired when the district made decisions, was it more  
administrative or the board. Ms. Wintz responded it’s in the city code but does not lay  
out who would be the responsible party. Commissioner Briggs also inquired if there  
were statistics that could be shown for out-districting.  
Ms. Wintz replied there were statistics not choosing just out of the district, but  
choosing maybe to homeschool, etc. This might have been part of the internal  
decision-making that the district made when they were looking at their census, but  
that wasn't information they reported back to the City Planning Department.  
Public Comments  
Jamie Nau, a citizen whose home backs to the site, gave a slide show presentation to  
the Commissioners opposing the project. He was concerned about the increased level  
of traffic for the proposed project. He also spoke about the lack of an evacuation plan  
for the proposed project.  
Adrienne Nau, citizen, spoke in opposition of the project. She stated Pine Creek High  
School was already full and was worried about the traffic.  
Tracy Corl, citizen, spoke in opposition of the project. She stated a sports complex  
would be ideal for the location.  
Nathan Corl, citizen, spoke in opposition of the project and asked for intentionally for  
this proposed project.  
Sarah Larsen, citizen, echoed Mr. Nau’s statements and strongly opposed the project.  
Richard and Charlenne Dennings, citizens, spoke in opposition of the project.  
Furthermore, they stated there was a state code that allowed the governor to  
overrule for emergency accesses.  
Dorothy Macnak, citizen, spoke greatly in opposition of the project.  
Cliff Black, citizen, spoke in opposition of the project. He stated he purchased his  
home with the interest of the proposed site to be a sports complex. He believed  
approving this project would cause danger to people’s lives and safety.  
Genevieve Hutchinson, citizen, spoke in opposition of the project. She wanted to note  
there was a junior high and grade school that would also need to be evacuated near  
this site and the area was not built for heavy traffic.  
Sharon Dehallis, citizen, spoke in opposition of the project.  
Michael Corl, citizen, also spoke in opposition of the project. He stated the quality of  
education goes down when schools are overcrowded. He hoped there would be a  
resolution soon.  
Becky Wright, citizen, spoke greatly in opposition of the project.  
Applicant rebuttal  
Lonna Thelen, TOPS Program Manager for Parks, Recreation, & Cultural Services,  
stated the Parks department had a contractual obligation to go through this process.  
Chair Hente expressed sympathy for the idea of a sports complex, stating that the  
community could use more facilities of that type. However, he had questioned if  
there was any desire to put a sports complex there.  
Ms. Thelen had confirmed that there was no desire to put a sports complex there,  
citing strong opposition due to concerns about traffic and lights, particularly since it  
was intended to be a community park.  
La Plata, the developer, highlighted the agreement's focus on emergency access,  
noting that while the median wasn't required, it helped with the egress and ingress of  
the point access. La Plata had clarified that emergency access to Powers Boulevard  
wasn't the only concern in the area. La Plata stated they had held up their side of the  
agreement. They emphasized the importance of the City upholding their part. Parks  
had expressed that if the area was not built as a park, they lacked the funds to  
maintain it. The idea of a sports complex had seemed financially unviable without  
proper funding. Furthermore, they stated the City had approached La Plata because  
they had no use for the piece of land anymore, leading to the initial transaction. This  
final step in the real estate transaction had received unanimous approval from City  
Commissioner Slattery requested an elaboration by the Fire Department on egress  
and ingress of the area.  
Steve Smith, with the Colorado Springs Fire Department, stated the fire code only  
addressed access into communities, so he would be unable to speak on the egress  
portion of the site. However, access into this community had been met.  
Commissioner Rickett inquired when the 50-unit requirement in the International Fire  
code came about. Mr. Smith stated that had been in the code they have previously  
Commissioner Rickett had questioned whether the sprinklers actually benefited the  
homeowner in the event of a wildfire, particularly when the fire started from the  
outside of a house and things moved quickly.  
Mr. Smith responded the sprinklers were intended to keep a fire that started within  
the structure long enough for the fire department to arrive and mitigate the situation.  
He clarified that this wouldn't necessarily help in the case of an outside-in fire, but it  
would definitely help with an inside-out fire.  
Commissioner Rickett expressed every house should have another exit. He mentioned  
a concern about traffic and the challenges of dealing with developments in the area,  
where everyone is trying to find a second way out of a neighborhood in case of  
emergencies. He conveyed that unless the additional exit is truly accessible, it could  
create a sense of false hope. He suggested that if the project moved forward, the  
consideration of the suggested exit road should be reevaluated. He emphasized that  
even though it might be possible to cut the fence and allow four-wheel drives to get  
out through the ditch, it may not be a reliable exit for many. Lastly, he stated that  
these were two conditions he thought were mentioned in at least one of the possible  
approvals. Therefore, he recommended that those conditions be removed.  
Ms. Wintz stated that removing the sprinkler ring throughout the development would  
create an inconsistency with the fire code. She highlighted that if this condition were  
to be removed, it would no longer meet the fire code criteria.  
Commissioner Almy stated despite understanding the CDOT position, there was an  
acknowledgment that there was nothing wrong with some pre-planning and ensuring  
that all considerations were documented in emergency planning documents for those  
needing to take action on short notice. The area was described as cut off, smaller  
than previous discussions about Kettle Creek, and closely situated to Powers  
Boulevard, providing massive egress but also being locked in by a ravine.  
Commissioner Briggs stated in the past, there were discussions on two main points.  
He acknowledged its limitations in adjudicating matters related to how schools are  
run, emphasizing that such decisions should be handled at the local level through the  
school board. Despite recognizing the raised problem, there was an understanding  
that the board lacked the mandate to direct the administration to make changes in  
that regard.  
Commissioner Briggs pointed out the particular land use statement criteria  
7.5.514.C.3D and E, which impacts the permitted or requested use, and the adequacy  
of proposed ingress and egress points. He expressed concerned that, without the  
possibility for a second access point, the current situation did not align with this part  
of the land use plan.  
There was mention of a motion that included a requirement for approval from CDOT.  
Commissioner Briggs expressed probable support for that motion. However, without  
a clear modification of access points influencing the decision, there was hesitation to  
fully endorse the proposal.  
Commissioner Rickett inquired if the vote should be swapped with voting on the zone  
first and the land use plan second. Trevor Gloss, City’s Attorney Office, stated it would  
be cleaner to swap the votes. However, the zoning vote would be a recommendation  
to City Council. Even if the Planning Commission approved 7.A. and 7.B. right now, it  
would be a conditional approval.  
Chair Hente expressed his approval for Commissioner Brigg’s motion, especially if  
CDOT approved it as well. He also indicated mindfulness of the many agreements the  
City had previously made, expressing concern about the city going back on its word.  
While acknowledging the desire of some to see the area as a park, he shared his  
perspective that it couldn't simply be a park due to the significant backlog of almost  
300 million dollars in the parks system. He stated that he would vote in favor if CDOT  
approved the proposal.  
Commissioner Hensler had expressed the opinion that the area would be a great fit  
for open space, especially considering the city's lack of funding. She noted a recurring  
focus on emergency access and suggested that if emergency access came from a  
different street, people could exit in another way. Commissioner Hensler  
acknowledged the lessons learned from past tragic fires and emphasized that school  
enrollment was the responsibility of the district. She expressed the inevitable impact  
of the community's growth, new homes, and increased traffic. While appreciating  
R-flex low and the diversity of housing, she stressed the need to address the housing  
shortage, which would impact housing costs. She recognized that the area was not  
always designated as park land and expressed a realization that change was  
imminent, with the community requiring more housing.  
Commissioner Almy stated they were to be contingent with CDOT approval while  
knowing it would not be approved, the board would basically be voting it down. He  
also agreed the city is growing and there was a shortage on housing.  
Commissioner Slattery expressed views on the R flex low density proposed in the  
neighborhood, emphasizing that it was in context. She agreed with fellow  
Commissioners about upholding the city's commitment to bring hundreds of acres of  
open space into the TOPS program. Commissioner Slattery expressed hesitation in  
making approval contingent upon CDOT, given their explicit statement that they  
would not be able to comply. She conveyed her belief that making approval  
contingent upon another state body over which they had no control was an  
overreach. In terms of the motion to approve with geological hazards, she did not  
propose removing it. She favored the first motion without suggesting its removal,  
believing it could provide value and flexibility for future connectivity without imposing  
a requirement on CDOT, which was beyond their control. Regarding schools,  
Commissioner Slattery noted that D20 had built two new schools in the last seven  
years, addressing enrollment changes. She acknowledged that enrollment boundaries  
naturally change as families move into newer neighborhoods, and houses built  
decades ago see children leaving the nest. She highlighted this as a natural cycle in  
cities and development, emphasizing that the district was likely addressing these  
Commissioner Rickett acknowledged that La Plata had done an excellent job laying  
out the concept for the property, expressing appreciation for their efforts after being  
brought in by the city to handle the project. He also recognized the importance of the  
city standing behind its decisions, noting that City Council had approved a master plan  
for the area, indicating a sports complex or park for the 60 acres. He emphasized his  
longstanding support for master plans approved by the city, highlighting that people  
make property purchases based on the information presented by the city.  
Commissioner Rickett stressed the significance of adhering to the commitments  
outlined in the master plan, dating back to the 1980's when it initially showed homes,  
then later, after the property was acquired by parks, it was rezoned for a sports  
complex. He believed that citizens bought their properties with the understanding  
presented by the city. As a result, Rickett indicated his intention to vote against both  
the land use and zone change proposals.  
Commissioner Foos began by expressing gratitude to the citizens for their active  
participation and comments during the discussion. He acknowledged the valuable  
involvement from both the citizens and La Plata, recognizing their efforts. He  
conveyed his internal struggle with the proposal, acknowledging the potential  
benefits and fit of the project in the area. However, he referenced his past voting  
history, revealing a concern for infrastructure issues, particularly those involving a  
single point of entry and exit, which could pose safety challenges. He believed the  
project did not align with the safety criteria used for evaluation. Despite  
acknowledging positive aspects such as habitat improvements, he emphasized that  
the safety issue associated with a single entry and exit point was a critical factor  
influencing his decision. Commissioner Foos declared that he could not support the  
project due to the safety concerns associated with the one-way access, stating this as  
his position on the matter.  
Chair Hente raised a scenario where the first motion might not pass. In such a  
situation, he sought clarification on the other alternatives. Specifically, he questioned  
whether he could accept a motion on one of the alternative proposals or, if in the  
absence of the first motion passing, all alternatives would be considered dead.  
Trevor Gloss, City’s Attorney Office, clarified the board would be able to vote on the  
alternatives if the situation were to arise.  
Commissioner Slattery raised a question regarding the approval process involving  
CDOT and the governor's potential override. She sought clarification on whether the  
governor's override would fall under CDOT approval since it was overriding CDOT. She  
further inquired if a state-level condition or approval from CDOT needed to be added  
for access.  
Trevor Gloss, City Attorney’s Office, clarified the process typically goes through CDOT  
when reaching the governor's level.  
Commissioner Hensler revisited Andrea's earlier comments and questions regarding  
mandating actions for a governing body over which they have no control. She  
specifically addressed the wording related to emergency access, noting a discrepancy  
between the language in the presentation from the applicant and the language  
presented in their packet. Commissioner Hensler clarified that the language did not  
explicitly state the granting of emergency access but rather indicated coordination.  
Expressing a preference for approval, she suggested modifying the language to align  
with CDOT's statement, ensuring clarity about the nature of emergency access. She  
expressed concern that the current language might give the impression of  
constructing a road, which contradicted previous discussions. Lastly, she emphasized  
the need for consistency with CDOT's letter and stated her discomfort supporting the  
language in its current form.  
Commissioner Briggs suggested that if the language allowed for access, the developer  
or the city could potentially install a culvert or some structure for emergency vehicle  
passage. He emphasized the importance of having the ability to implement such  
measures in case of an emergency, as opposed to merely stating that they won't  
obstruct emergency efforts. Commissioner Briggs noted the uniqueness of the  
request, emphasizing the need for language that clearly addressed the permission for  
access in emergency situations.  
Commissioner Almy suggested adding a recognition that CDOT would not prevent  
access during an emergency.  
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director Planning and Neighborhood Services, suggested a  
motion to acknowledge the language from the CDOT letter regarding emergency  
coordination and access. Additionally, he proposed requiring the applicant to provide  
an easement up to the fence line for that purpose.  
Mr. Gloss noted that, based on the discussion, the Commission may consider  
requiring an emergency access easement as a condition for approval. This easement  
would make the specified area accessible for ingress and egress and addressing the  
grade could be addressed with the developer later. The purpose of creating the  
easement would be to reserve the area for emergency access.  
Ms. Wintz stated that based on aerial imagery and contour lines from City View,  
multiple at-grade areas were identified along the shared right-of-way and property  
boundary on the east side of the property. She acknowledged the presence of  
drainage areas in this section.  
Commissioner Rickett expressed a significant safety concern, emphasizing that having  
an exit road leading to a fence with the ability to cut it doesn't guarantee accessibility  
beyond that point. He pointed out that this situation did not improve safety and, in  
fact, could worsen it, especially during adverse weather conditions. Commissioner  
Rickett stressed the importance of having a CDOT approved road, specifying that it  
doesn't necessarily have to be paved within the CDOT right-of-way for enhanced  
Commissioner Almy had emphasized a limitation in not recognizing the potential for  
emergency response to address the access point effectively. He used the analogy of  
allowing vehicles to drive across a field, emphasizing that the key factor was whether  
the field was suitable for the required vehicles and purposes.  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Foos, to  
recommend denial to City Council the Ovation Land Use Plan based upon the  
findings that the proposal does not comply with the review criteria for Land  
Use Plans as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.514. The motion failed by a  
vote of 3:5.  
3 - Commissioner Briggs, Vice Chair Foos and Commissioner Rickett  
5 - Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Commissioner Hente,  
Commissioner Cecil and Chair Slattery  
1 - Commissioner McMurray  
Motion by Commissioner Hensler, seconded by Commissioner Slattery, to  
recommend approval to City Council the Ovation Land Use Plan based upon  
the findings that the proposal complies with the review criteria for Land Use  
Plans as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.514 with the following condition of  
approval and technical modification:  
* Revise note 19 of the Land Use Plan to the following:  
"This property is subject to the finding's summary and conclusions of a  
geologic hazard report prepared by CTL Thompson Inc. dated May 2, 2023,  
which identified the following specific geologic hazards on the property;  
expansive soil and bedrock and shallow groundwater. The following  
recommendations shall be adhered to  
1. Construction materials testing and observation services during site  
development and construction.  
2. Individual lot soils and foundation investigations for foundation design.  
3. Subgrade investigation and pavement design for on-site pavements. A  
copy of said report has been placed within File# MAPN-23-0005 or within the  
subdivision file of the City of Colorado Springs Planning and Development  
Team. Contact the Planning and Development team, 30 S Nevada, Suite 701,  
Colorado Springs, CO, 80903, if you would like to review said report.".  
The motion failed by a vote of 4:4  
4 - Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Commissioner Cecil and Chair  
4 - Commissioner Briggs, Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner Hente and  
Commissioner Rickett  
1 - Commissioner McMurray  
Motion by Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Commissioner Cecil, to  
recommend approval to City Council the Ovation Land Use Plan based upon  
the findings that the proposal complies with the review criteria for Land Use  
Plans as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.514 with the following condition of  
approval and technical modification:  
Condition of Approval* Prior to approval, require CDOT approval of proposed  
emergency access to Powers Boulevard.  
Technical Modification  
* Revise note 19 of the Land Use Plan to the following: "This property is  
subject to the finding's summary and conclusions of a geologic hazard report  
prepared by CTL Thompson Inc. dated May 2, 2023, which identified the  
following specific geologic hazards on the property; expansive soil and  
bedrock and shallow groundwater. The following recommendations shall be  
adhered to  
1. Construction materials testing and observation services during site  
development and construction.  
2. Individual lot soils and foundation investigations for foundation design.  
3. Subgrade investigation and pavement design for on-site pavements. A  
copy of said report has been placed within File# MAPN-23-0005 or within the  
subdivision file of the City of Colorado Springs Planning and Development  
Team.. The motion failed by a vote of 2:6.  
2 - Commissioner Briggs and Commissioner Hente  
6 - Commissioner Almy, Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner Hensler, Commissioner  
Cecil, Commissioner Rickett and Chair Slattery  
1 - Commissioner McMurray  
Motion by Commissioner Hensler, seconded by Commissioner Slattery, to  
recommend approval to City Council the Ovation Land Use Plan based upon  
the findings that the proposal complies with the review criteria for Land Use  
Plans as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.514 with the following condition of  
approval and technical modification:  
Condition of Approval: Recognize the language provided by CDOT to not  
preclude coordination and access during an emergency via a required  
easement by the developer to CDOT property at grade  
Technical Modification:  
* Revise note 19 of the Land Use Plan to the following: "This property is  
subject to the finding's summary and conclusions of a geologic hazard report  
prepared by CTL Thompson Inc. dated May 2, 2023, which identified the  
following specific geologic hazards on the property; expansive soil and  
bedrock and shallow groundwater. The following recommendations shall be  
adhered to  
1. Construction materials testing and observation services during site  
development and construction.  
2. Individual lot soils and foundation investigations for foundation design.  
3. Subgrade investigation and pavement design for on-site pavements. A  
copy of said report has been placed within File# MAPN-23-0005 or within the  
subdivision file of the City of Colorado Springs Planning and Development  
Team. Contact the Planning and Development team, 30 S Nevada, Suite 701,  
Colorado Springs, CO, 80903, if you would like to review said report."  
The motion passed by a vote of 5:3.  
5 - Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Commissioner Hente,  
Commissioner Cecil and Chair Slattery  
3 - Commissioner Briggs, Vice Chair Foos and Commissioner Rickett  
1 - Commissioner McMurray  
ZONE-23-00 An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado  
Springs relating to 60.28 acres located northwest of Old Ranch  
Road and Powers Boulevard from PK (Public Park) to R-Flex Low  
zone district.  
(Quasi-Judicial - 1st Reading only to set the public hearing for  
January 23, 2024)  
Katelynn Wintz, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Neighborhood  
Motion by Commissioner Cecil, seconded by Commissioner Slattery, to  
recommend approval to City Council the zone change of 60.28 acres located  
northwest of Old Ranch Road and Powers Boulevard from PK (Public Park) to  
R-Flex Low based upon the findings that the request complies with the  
criteria for a Zoning Map Amendment as set forth in City Code Section  
7.5.704. The motion passed by a vote of 6:2.  
6 - Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Hensler,  
Commissioner Hente, Commissioner Cecil and Chair Slattery  
2 - Vice Chair Foos and Commissioner Rickett  
1 - Commissioner McMurray  
8. Updates/Presentations  
8. Informal Updates/Presentations  
9. Adjourn