City of Colorado Springs
Regional Development
Center (Hearing Room)
2880 International Circle
Regular Meeting Agenda - Final
Planning Commission
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
9:00 AM
2880 International Cir., 2nd Floor,
Hearing Room
CPC - All meetings are open to the public. Those who wish to participate may do so in person or via phone.
Online: | Facebook Live: Colorado Springs City Council Facebook Page | TV:
Comcast Channel 18 and 880 (HD); - Stratus IQ Channel 99 (Streaming)
By phone: Dial 1-720-617-3426, enter Conf ID: 487 531 137# and wait to be admitted.
If you would like to comment on an agenda item, please contact the case planner for the item at 719-385-5905. If
you are unable to contact them, there will still be an opportunity to speak during the meeting.
Attendees participating by phone will be muted upon entry to the meeting. Please wait to be called on before
Once an item has been heard, the Chair will open the public portion of the hearing for comments. There is a three
(3) minute time limit for each person. Phone attendees must press *6 to un-mute.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Changes to Agenda/Postponements
3. Communications
Andrea Slattery - Planning Commission Chair
Kevin Walker - Planning Director
4. Approval of the Minutes
Minutes for the December 11, 2024, Planning Commission
5. Consent Calendar
MVS Development LLC - Amendment to the Certificate of Designation Boundary
A Certificate of Designation Amendment for the purpose of
removing the confirmed trash-free areas from what is identified
as a ‘facility’ in relation to the already approved Certificate of