Regional Development  
Center (Hearing Room)  
2880 International Circle  
City of Colorado Springs  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Planning Commission  
Wednesday, June 12, 2024  
9:00 AM  
Regional Development Center (Hearing Room)  
2880 International Circle  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
8 - Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner Hensler, Commissioner Cecil, Commissioner  
Rickett, Chair Slattery, Commissioner Robbins, Commissioner Sipilovic and  
Commissioner Casey  
1 - Commissioner Briggs  
2. Changes to Agenda/Postponements  
3. Communications  
Peter Wysocki - Planning + Neighborhood Services Director  
Mr. Wysocki welcomed the new commissioners.  
4. Approval of the Minutes  
Minutes for the May 8th, 2024, Planning Commission Meeting  
Andrea Slattery, City Planning Commission Chair  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Vice Chair Foos, to approve the  
minutes for the May 8th, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting. The motion passed  
by a vote of 5-0-1-3.  
5 - Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner Hensler, Commissioner Cecil, Commissioner  
Rickett and Chair Slattery  
1 - Commissioner Briggs  
3 - Commissioner Robbins, Commissioner Sipilovic and Commissioner Casey  
5. Consent Calendar  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Vice Chair Foos, to approve the  
Consent Calendar. The motion passed by a vote of 8-0-1.  
8 - Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner Hensler, Commissioner Cecil, Commissioner  
Rickett, Chair Slattery, Commissioner Robbins, Commissioner Sipilovic and  
Commissioner Casey  
1 - Commissioner Briggs  
Shops at Woodmen  
ZONE-22-00 An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado  
Springs pertaining to 3.50 acres located at 7410 Horseshoe Road  
from A/AP-O (Agriculture with Airport Overlay) to MX-M/AP-O  
(Mixed-Use Medium Scale with Airport Overlay)  
(Quasi-Judicial) (Second Reading and Public Hearing)  
Austin Cooper, Senior Planner, Planning and Neighborhood  
Kevin Walker, Interim Planning Director, Planning and  
Neighborhood Services  
VCA Animal Urgent Care  
NVAR-24-00 A Non-Use Variance to City Code Section 7.3.303 (A)(1)(a) to  
allow a small animal clinic to be located 44’ from the property line  
where 55’ is required located at 3703 Bloomington St.  
Logan Hubble, Planner II, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
6. Items Called Off Consent Calendar  
7. Unfinished Business  
8. New Business  
Amphitheater Parking  
PUDD-24-00 Major modification to the Polaris Point South Filing No. 4  
02 Development Plan for the Sunset Amphitheater regarding  
relocating off-site parking and providing for new adjacent parking  
that creates 272 additional parking spaces located at 13045  
Spectrum Loop.  
Kyle Fenner, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Senior Planner Kyle Fenner gave an overview of this application. This is a  
major modification to an approved PDZ Development Plan. There is no  
change of use and no change of zoning. In most cases, this would have been  
an administrative decision and would not have come before the Planning  
Commission; however, approval of the PDZ required that this be brought  
before this body.  
The project proposal is to change the location of required off-site parking to  
serve the amphitheater. This would surrender the 475 parking spaces that  
were going to be provided 1.2 miles away at The Classical Academy and  
create two new parking lots that will provide a total of 747 parking spaces that  
are adjacent to the amphitheater.  
Staff is proposing a change to General Note #40, which requires any changes  
will require City Planning Commission approval. The proposed change would  
be that it may require City Planning Commission approval.  
Public notice was provided in the standard 1,000 feet and no comments were  
received. During public agency review, comments were received by Traffic  
Engineering and the United States Air Force Academy, which were addressed  
during review.  
Staff finds that all criteria have been met.  
Commissioner Rickett asked if the PDZ was reviewed for this application. Ms.  
Fenner said this project is specific to parking only and would not require a  
re-review of the development plan. Commissioner Rickett asked about the  
physical properties of the development, such as backsets from property lines.  
Acting Assistant Director Katie Carleo answered that this PDZ falls to baseline  
code. During review, they would have looked at everything from code  
requirements for parking for these use types and that is what is not only met,  
but exceeded.  
Chris Lieber with NES gave a presentation on behalf of the applicant. He said  
he feels this plan better aligns with comments that were heard in terms of  
being able to provide additional parking closer to the venue and also improves  
pedestrian access.  
The traffic plan was thoroughly reviewed with this proposal and there will be no  
significant changes to access points. They are aware that the bridge over  
Voyager Parkway has not been completed and their plan accounts for that.  
The venue is required to have 2,000 parking spaces and, with this proposal,  
they will have 2,811 parking spaces. In the original development plan, it was  
stated that 70% of all parking spaces would be within a half-mile radius. With  
this proposal, that number will be 82%. They do anticipate 8-10 shuttles  
between the venue and Bass Pro and Compassion International.  
There is an Evolutionary Special Event Traffic Control Plan to be used during  
events that includes temporary lane adjustments, signal modifications, traffic  
control staff, directional signage and real-time message boards. This plan is  
designed to keep traffic out of residential neighborhoods.  
Questions from Commissioners:  
Vice-Chair Foos asked why this was not available during the original  
development plan. He also asked about the one-acre parking lot. Mr. Lieber  
said that the land was not previously available and that has changed. The  
one-acre parking lot is part of the strategy to minimize the amount of traffic that  
is searching for parking.  
Commissioner Casey asked when they anticipate these parking lots to be  
available. Mr. Lieber said they will be ready for opening day in August.  
Commissioner Hensler asked if these parking lots are intended to be  
permanent or might they be developed into something else in the future. Mr.  
Lieber said they are permanent.  
Commissioner Robbins asked what the projected finish date is for the Voyager  
bridge. Bob Mudd, President and COO of Notes Live, said it is between  
November 15th and December 1st. Commissioner Robbins asked if the  
parking lots will be cordoned off when there are no events. Mr. Mudd said it  
will be fenced and controlled parking.  
Commissioner Rickett asked whether they have parking agreements with any  
other entity besides Bass Pro and Compassion International. Mr. Mudd said  
the third agreement was with The Classical Academy (TCA), which they will no  
longer be using. Commissioner Rickett asked how long the agreements are  
for and Mr. Mudd said he believes they are for five years. Mr. Mudd said they  
have a commitment to provide 70% of the parking available and, if there was  
ever a condition where that was not available, they are required to pro rata  
reduce the occupancy of the amphitheater.  
Commissioner Cecil asked if the venue still has the option to pursue parking  
with TCA if this application was not approved today. Mr. Mudd said they do.  
Commissioner Cecil noted that moving the majority of parking to Spectrum  
Loop will move a much higher volume of traffic to that area and she asked how  
the traffic plan was modified to accommodate that. Mr. Mudd said they revised  
all the traffic counts and readdressed the ingress and egress points to ensure  
that they maintained an acceptable level of service.  
Commissioner Cecil asked if uniformed officers were added to the plan. Mr.  
Mudd said they will contract 8-12 Colorado Springs Police Department officers  
to control those intersections and to influence the variable signage.  
Commissioner Cecil said her question is more about the pulling in and out of  
ride share vehicles and impediment of traffic flow. Mr. Mudd said there are 30  
dedicated spaces for those and it is a managed area that is adjacent to the  
Chair Slattery asked to hear from City Traffic Engineer Todd Frisbie. Mr.  
Lieber first introduced Curtis Rowe with Kimley Horn to speak, as he did the  
original analysis on determination of parking spaces. Mr. Rowe explained how  
they came up with the 82%. He confirmed that includes the on-street parking.  
Chair Slattery asked about parallel parking on the street and how that may  
impede traffic flow. Mr. Rowe said they anticipate the parking happening in  
such a manner that, as traffic arrives, cars will pull into those spaces without  
having to back into them. All of the spaces will be the standard length to allow  
for parallel parking. Spectrum Loop is designed to allow adequate space for  
cars to go around, if necessary.  
Commissioner Robbins asked about nearby residents potentially parking on  
the street. Mr. Rowe said the apartment complex was designed to have  
enough parking spaces for its residents, but Spectrum Loop is a public street.  
City Traffic Engineer Todd Frisbie said they did review the traffic study  
submitted by the applicant and they are comfortable with it. He said he  
believes the venue is in a good location for access. He said with any venue  
like this, there will be back ups and they will learn from it and adjust.  
Commissioner Cecil asked how the lanes on Spectrum Loop will be used. Mr.  
Frisbie said the entire road has been re-striped and each side has parking,  
then a buffer bike lane, traffic lane, center turn lane and repeated the other  
way. Commissioner Cecil asked why a protected bike lane wasn’t considered.  
Mr. Frisbie said that requires a physical barrier and that street is not a heavy  
bike corridor, so it was not considered.  
Commissioner Cecil asked for confirmation that the landscape plan was  
completed. Mr. Lieber said that has been completed for both parking lots and  
went through the standard city review process.  
Public Comment - None  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Cecil, to  
approve the Polaris Point South Filing No. 4 Development Plan Major  
Modification based upon the findings that the request complies with the  
criteria as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.515.D and 7.5.516.D. with the  
following modification: That general note #40 remain unchanged. The motion  
passed by a vote of 8-0-1.  
8 - Vice Chair Foos, Commissioner Hensler, Commissioner Cecil, Commissioner  
Rickett, Chair Slattery, Commissioner Robbins, Commissioner Sipilovic and  
Commissioner Casey  
1 - Commissioner Briggs  
9. Presentations  
10. Adjourn