City of Colorado Springs  
Regional Development Center  
2880 International Circle  
Colorado Springs, CO 80910  
Meeting Minutes  
Friday, November 17, 2023  
9:00 AM  
Regional Development Center (Hearing Room)  
2880 International Circle  
Planning Commission  
All meetings are open to the public. Those who wish to participate may do so in-person, online, or via phone.  
Conference Call: Dial 1-720-617-3426, enter Conf ID: 910 370 844# and wait to be admitted.  
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Attendees participating by telephone or MS Teams will be muted upon entry to the meeting. Please wait to be  
called on before speaking.  
If you know you would like to comment on an agenda item, please contact the case planner for the item at  
719-385-5905. If you are unable to contact them, there will still be an opportunity to speak during the meeting.  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
5 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray, Commissioner  
Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
4 - Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner Cecil  
2.A Approval of the Minutes  
Minutes for the October 11, 2023, Planning Commission Meeting  
Scott Hente, Chair of the City Planning Commission  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Almy, that approval  
of the minutes for the October 11, 2023, Planning Commission meeting be  
postponed until the December meeting. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0.  
5 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray, Commissioner  
Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
4 - Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner Cecil  
2.B. Changes to Agenda/Postponements  
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director, announced that  
items related to the Banning Lewis Ranch were postponed to the January 10  
Planning Commission Meeting. These items on the agenda were 7.A. through 7.F..  
Banning Lewis Ranch Village B2  
Commissioner Slattery made a motion to postpone items 7.A. through 7.F. to the  
January 10, 2024, meeting with a second by Commissioner Rickett. This passed by a  
5-0 vote.  
A motion was made to postpone this item to the January 10, 2024 Planning  
Commission meeting. The motion passed by a vote of 5:0:4:0  
MAPN-23-00 A major amendment to the Banning Lewis Ranch Village B2 Master  
Plan changing the existing land use classifications of R, RL, RM, RH,  
R, NR, ES to the following land use classifications PRO, RES-M and  
COM consisting of 511.20 acres located north of Tamlin Road and  
east of Dublin Boulevard and Banning Lewis Parkway.  
Tamara Baxter, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
A motion was made to postpone this item to the January 10, 2024 Planning  
Commission meeting. The motion passed by a vote of 5:0:4:0  
5 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray,  
Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
4 -  
Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner  
ZONE-23-00 A zone change consisting of 9.2 acres located at the northeast corner  
of Dublin Boulevard and Banning Lewis Parkway from  
PDZ/R5/AP-O/SS-O (Planned Development Zone District and  
Multi-Family Residential with Airport and Streamside Overlays) to  
MX-M/AP-O/SS-O (Mixed-Use Medium Scale with Airport and  
Streamside Overlays).  
Tamara Baxter, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
See Item 7.A. (MAPN-23-0001)  
5 -  
4 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray,  
Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner  
COPN-23-00 Establishment of the Banning Lewis Ranch Village B2 Concept Plan  
for proposed commercial consisting of 9.2 acres located at the  
northeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Banning Lewis Parkway.  
Tamara Baxter, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
See Item 7.A. (MAPN-23-0001)  
5 -  
4 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray,  
Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner  
PUDZ-23-00 A zone change consisting of 502 acres located at the northeast  
corner of Dublin Boulevard and Banning Lewis Parkway from  
PDZ/R-5-cr/R-1 6/MX-M-cr/AP-O/SS-O (Planned Development Zone  
District, Multi-Family High Residential with Conditions of Record,  
Single Family-Medium Residential, Mixed-Use Medium Scale with  
Conditions of Record, and Airport and Streamside Overlays) to  
PDZ/AP-O/SS-O (Planned Development Zone District with Airport  
and Streamside Overlays: single-family and/or two-family residential;  
density of 3.5-7.99 du/ac; and a maximum building height of 35 feet).  
Tamara Baxter, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Attachments: PDZ Rezone  
See Item 7.A. (MAPN-23-0001)  
5 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray,  
Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
4 -  
Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner  
PUDC-23-00 Establishment of the Banning Lewis Ranch Village B2 PDZ Concept  
Plan consisting of 502 acres to allow for single-family and/or  
two-family residential with medium residential density (3.5-7.99 du/ac  
and a maximum building height of 35 feet) consisting of 502 acres  
located north of Tamlin Road and East of Dublin Boulevard and  
Banning Lewis Parkway extension.  
Tamara Baxter, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
See Item 7.A. (MAPN-23-0001)  
5 -  
4 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray,  
Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner  
SUBD-23-00 A Vacation of Public Right-of-Way of Vista Del Oro Boulevard and  
portions of public right-of-way of Dublin Boulevard and Banning  
Lewis Parkway consisting of 35.856 acres located north of Tamlin  
Road and east of Dublin Boulevard and Banning Lewis Parkway.  
Tamara Baxter, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Attachments: Vacation Plat  
See Item 7.A. (MAPN-23-0001)  
5 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray,  
Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
4 -  
Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner  
3. Communications  
Peter Wysocki - Planning & Neighborhood Services Director  
4. Consent Calendar  
This Planning Case was approved on the Consent Calendar  
5 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray, Commissioner  
Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
4 - Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner Cecil  
These items will be acted upon as a whole, unless a specific item is called for discussion by a  
Commissioner/Board Member or a citizen wishing to address the Commission or Board. (Any items called up for  
separate consideration shall be acted upon following the Consent Vote.)  
Guidepost Montessori School  
CUDP-22-00 A Conditional Use to allow a children’s daycare facility in the Office  
Residential (OR) zone district consisting of approximately 1.4 acres  
located at 6575 Oakwood Boulevard.  
Allison Stocker AICP, Planner II, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This Planning Case was approved on the Consent Calendar  
5. Items Called Off Consent Calendar  
1713 Hercules Drive  
NVAR-23-00 A Nonuse Variance to allow a front yard setback of 13-feet where  
25-feet is required in the R1-9 (Single-Family Large) zone district,  
located at 1713 Hercules Drive.  
Molly O’Brien, Planner I, Planning & Neighborhood Services  
Molly O’Brien, Planner I for Planning and Community Development, presented the  
scope of project to the Committee. The applicant presented to the Committee  
afterwards, voicing his request to approve the scope of the project.  
Questions from commissioners:  
Commissioner Ricket inquired if the project request had been based on the  
Geohazard report, to which the applicant confirmed it had been. Commissioner  
Rickett inquired if there were other homes in the potential slide zone, to which the  
applicant replied there had been at least three homes. Commissioner Rickett asked  
if the addition on the front being requested had fit in the back as it would have fit  
in the 20 feet setback. Lastly, he added he was afraid that allowing these  
encroachments into the front setbacks would open the floodgate very feasibly for  
others who would like to do the same. He wanted to keep the neighborhood  
conducive and believed the request was not the only option possible.  
The applicant added there had been two other homes that had had their helix  
repaired. One had had a completely separated footer and the foundation fractured  
and slid. The other one had potentially sheered the foundation horizontally. This  
had worried the applicant because there had only been three homes away on the  
same side of the street.  
Commissioner Almy had had similar concerns and questioned whether this project  
had met the approval criteria in B and C. B being the one that said the property had  
extraordinary exceptional physical conditions that were not generally seen in the  
same zone district. He had believed this project did not meet the approval criteria.  
He had added he was not totally against the project, but this had been the first UDC  
issue that had come up against a nonuse variance, and he had believed this project  
did not meet the approval criteria.  
Vice Chair Commissioner McMurray had agreed the west side geologic hazard  
conditions had existed pretty broadly in the area. Commissioner Slattery had found  
herself agreeing with Commissioner Rickett about neighborhood characteristics  
and setbacks while setting a precedent. She had also agreed with Commissioner  
Rickett that this had not been the only option viable. Lastly, it had not been the  
Committee’s prerogative to design, but she had wanted to uphold the setbacks to  
set a precedent.  
Attorney Trevor Gloss, City Attorney’s office, had made a clarification that variances  
were dealt with on a case-by-case basis. He had understood there had been  
concerns of opening the floodgates, but legally there had not been a requirement  
to do so.  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Slattery, to  
deny the Nonuse Variance to City Code Section 7.2.203 to allow a front yard  
setback of 13-feet where 25-feet is required in the R1-9 (Single-Family Large)  
zone district located at 1713 Hercules Dr based on the findings that the  
application does not conform to City Code Section 7.5.526. The motion  
passed by a vote of 3:2:4:0  
3 - Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
2 - Commissioner Hensler and Vice Chair McMurray  
4 -  
Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner  
305 Old West Broadmoor Road  
NVAR-23-00 A Nonuse Variance to allow a reduced front yard setback of 10.2 feet  
where 20 feet is required for a garage in the R-E (Single-Family  
Estate) zone district, located at 305 W Old Broadmoor Rd  
Molly O’Brien, Planner I, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Molly O’Brien, Planner I for Planning and Community Development, presented the  
scope of project to the Committee. The applicant’s representative, Chuck Gall with  
MVE Civil Engineering, presented to the Committee afterwards, voicing his request  
to approve the scope of the project. Afterwards, the applicant spoke to the  
Committee, echoing what the applicant’s representative said and to request an  
approval to item 4.B.  
Questions from commissioners:  
Commissioner Rickett inquired if the drainage issue could be handled without a  
garage, to which the applicant replied yes. The applicant added he could also look  
for more help with the city but is willing to forgo that expense by getting a garage.  
Commissioner Slattery wanted to add on the record that she views this project  
differently based on the topography and how it would fit it because one wouldn’t  
see the road. She believed this would not negatively affect the characteristics of  
the neighborhood.  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Almy, to deny  
the Nonuse Variance to City Code Section 7.2.202 to allow a front yard  
setback of 10.2-feet where 20-feet is required for a garage in the R-E  
(Single-Family Estate) zone district located at 305 W Old Broadmoor Rd based  
on the findings that the application does not conform to City Code Section  
7.5.526. The motion failed by a vote of 2:3:4:0  
2 - Commissioner Almy and Commissioner Rickett  
3 - Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray and Commissioner Slattery  
4 -  
Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner  
Motion by Commissioner Hensler, seconded by Commissioner Slattery, to  
approve the Nonuse Variance to City Code Section 7.2.202 to allow a front  
yard setback of 10.2-feet where 20-feet is required for a garage in the R-E  
(Single-Family Estate) zone district located at 305 W Old Broadmoor Rd based  
on the application's conformance with City Code Section 7.5.526. The motion  
passed by a vote of 3:2:4:0  
3 - Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray and Commissioner Slattery  
2 - Commissioner Almy and Commissioner Rickett  
4 -  
Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner  
Point of the Pines Gardens  
ZONE-23-00 An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado  
Springs pertaining to 9.62 acres located at the northwest corner of  
Elkton Drive and Rusina Road from MX-N/HS-O-/WUI-O (Mixed-Use  
Neighborhood Scale with Hillside and Wildland Urban Interface  
Overlays) to MX-M/HS-O/WUI-O (Mixed-Use Medium Scale with  
Hillside and Wildland Urban Interface Overlay  
Tamara Baxter, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Tamara Baxter, Senior Planner for Planning and Community Development,  
presented the scope of project to the Committee. The applicant presented the  
scope of the project to the Committee.  
Public Comments  
Dorothy Macnack, a citizen, spoke in opposition of the project. She lives near Point  
of the Pines and expressed her concern on the influx of traffic if this project were  
to be approved.  
Julia Owens, a citizen, spoke in opposition of the project. She requested the  
Committee to look into the evacuation of this area as there are minimal roads to  
enter and leave the site.  
Mike Janson, the developer of the project, provided more information on the scope  
of the project to the committee. He added they are requesting a zone change to  
basically fix the nonconforming use of the facility and to potentially permit a small  
development next to it. Furthermore, he added the HOA board supported the  
rezoning request.  
Commissioner Almy inquired if existing projects were grandfathered into the  
transition from Chapter 7 to UDC. Mike Tassi, Assistant Planning Director confirmed  
the existing use was considered a nonconforming use so yes, they are protected  
under UDC.  
Vice Chair McMurray inquired if this would have been a permitted use prior to the  
adoption to the UDC. Tamara Baxter, Senior Planner for the Planning and  
Community Development confirmed that is correct and also before the rezoning.  
Questions from Commissioners  
Commissioner Rickett thanked the public for voicing their opinion, but he would be  
in support of this project.  
Vice Chair McMurray added given the zoning prior to changing from Chapter7 to  
UDC, it would have been a permitted use under the old code, so he would be in  
support of this project.  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Almy, to  
recommend approval to City Council the zone change of 9.62 acres from  
MX-N/HS-O-/WUI-O (Mixed-Use Neighborhood Scale with Hillside and  
Wildland Urban Interface Overlays) to MX-M/HS-O/WUI-O (Mixed-Use Medium  
Scale with Hillside and Wildland Urban Interface Overlay) based on the  
findings that the request complies with the criteria for a Zoning Map  
Amendment as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.704.  
The motion passed by a vote of 5:0:4:0  
5 -  
4 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray,  
Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner  
6. Unfinished Business  
7. New Business  
Autowash 5795 Tutt Center Point  
CUDP-23-00 A Conditional Use to allow a carwash in the MX-M (Mixed-Use  
Medium Scale) zone district consisting of 1.08 acres located at 5975  
Tutt Center Point.  
Austin Cooper Planner II, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Austin Cooper, Planner II for Planning and Community Development, presented the  
scope of project to the Committee.  
Vice Chair McMurray mentioned one of the criteria was the Committee needs to be  
able to speak to the capacity and availability of the infrastructure, so not having the  
traffic study in advance does not help the committee help address certain criteria.  
The applicant and architect presented the scope of the project to the Committee.  
Public comments  
Kevin Bradford, a citizen, spoke in opposition to the project. He discussed his  
concern on the noise level of the project with the proximity of neighborhoods.  
Applicant rebuttal  
Kevin Bradford is a carwash owner as well. He refuted he would be able to run his  
carwash in a nice and quiet way.  
Questions from Commissioners  
Commissioner Rickett mentioned that, as the applicant had wanted a modified  
approval request, he inquired what the applicant would have liked to see different  
from the original motion.  
The applicant replied that outside activities would have had limited hours from 11  
pm to 6 am, but the inside car wash activities would have been allowed to operate  
during those hours. Commissioner Rickett added if the modification were granted,  
the hours could be adjusted, to which the applicant confirmed they were open to  
Vice Chair McMurray inquired what the noise ordinance was within the city.  
Commissioner Rickett added that if the business were to exceed the noise level,  
they would be shut down anyway. The applicant responded they were familiar with  
the reduction of noise levels and zoning repercussions.  
Commissioner Almy stated the bottom line was not the hours but more of the noise  
level made by the customers outside, regardless of what they did. All these  
restrictions affected the business model, as the applicant had already articulated.  
Commissioner Slattery requested to look through the carwash examples that were  
nearby neighborhoods. The applicant went over carwashes that were close in  
proximity to neighborhood homes with the Committee.  
Commissioner Rickett stated he understood the public had seen multiple car  
washes lately. However, by code, there was not really anything to restrict that  
unless it was truly by code. From the Committee’s perspective, they had to look at  
the code and wanted the public to understand that.  
Trevor Gloss, City Attorney’s office, clarified per code 9.8.104, for commercial zone  
district between the hours of 7 am to 7 pm, it was 60 decibels during the day, and  
under 55 decibels throughout the night. Commissioner Rickett mentioned the size  
scale height density multimodal impacts were compatible with the surrounding  
area. Any potential adverse impacts were mitigated to the extent and he stated he  
would be in favor of the modified proposal, which was unrestricted hours with auto  
bay doors programmed to be closed with external vacuums to be closed from 9 pm  
to 7 am.  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Almy, to  
approve the Conditional Use based upon the finding that the request  
complies with the criteria as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.601, with the  
following conditions of approval:  
1) Unrestricted hours with auto-bay doors programmed to be closed and  
external vacuums off between 9 p.m. and 7a.m.;  
2) Illuminated signage shall not be visible to the residential development  
along Tutt Boulevard;  
3) Year-around landscape screening, such as evergreens a minimum of 8 feet  
in height, shall be provided along Tutt Boulevard. If site utilities along Tutt  
Boulevard limit tree plantings, other screening methods will be required,  
such as a screen wall and robust shrub planting. This shall be determined at  
the time of the development plan review;  
4) Permissible noise levels between residential and commercial zones shall  
not exceed City Code Section 9.8.104;  
5) Exterior structure and site lighting shall be directed inward to the site and  
away from the resident development along the south of Tutt Boulevard;  
6) A development plan application is necessary to be submitted for the future  
car wash which will be reviewed administratively.  
The motion passed by a vote of 5:0:4:0  
5 -  
4 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray,  
Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner  
Autowash 1245 Space Center Drive  
CUDP-23-00 A Conditional Use to allow a carwash in the MX-M (Mixed-Use  
Medium Scale) zone district consisting of .86 acres located at 1245  
Space Center Drive. (Quasi-Judicial)  
Presenter: William Gray, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood  
Bill Gray, Senior Planner for Planning and Community Development, presented the  
scope of project to the Committee. The applicant also presented to the Committee.  
Public comments  
John Harvey, a citizen, spoke in opposition of the project. He mentioned his  
concern on the noise decibel.  
The applicant refuted they can meet the noise requirements.  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Almy, to  
approve the Conditional Use based upon the findings that the request  
complies with the review criteria as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.601 with  
the following conditions:  
• Limit hours of operation between 6:00 am to 11:00 pm  
• Illuminated signage shall not be visible to the residential development  
located immediately North of the lot.  
• Year-around landscape screening, such as evergreens a minimum of 8 feet  
in height, shall be provided along the North property line and Power  
Boulevard. If site utilities limit tree plantings, other screening methods will  
be required, such as a screen wall and robust shrub planting. This shall be  
determined at time of the development plan review.  
• Permissible noise levels between residential and commercial zones shall  
not exceed City Code Section 9.8.104.  
• Exterior structure and site lighting shall be directed inward to the site and  
away from the resident development along the north property line.  
• A development plan application is necessary to be submitted which will be  
reviewed administratively.  
• The development plan application must demonstrate compliance with  
Ordinance No. 87-155.  
The motion passed by a vote of 5:0:4:0  
5 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray,  
Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
4 -  
Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner  
Humble Paws  
UVAR-23-00 A Use Variance to allow the Humble Paws Animal Care Facility use  
within the MX-L/cr (Mixed-Use Large with prior conditions of record)  
zone district consisting of 7,500 square feet located at 925 W.  
Cucharras St.  
Ryan Tefertiller, Urban Planning Manager, Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Ryan Tefertiller, Urban Planning Manager, presented the scope of project to the  
Committee. The applicant also presented to the Committee.  
Public comments  
David Seeley, a citizen, spoke in opposition of the project.  
Wade Harper, a citizen, spoke in opposition of the project. He spoke on the  
increased noise and traffic since Humble Paws has moved in nearby.  
Bill Tibbit, a citizen, owns the building next door and spoke in opposition of the  
project. He spoke how this operation was not allowed in this zone.  
Shelby Marcus, a citizen, spoke in opposition of the project. She mentioned her  
concern on this variance as Humble Paws does not fit the current criteria.  
Joanna Bean, a citizen and wife of Wade Harper, spoke on her appreciation on what  
Humble Paws was trying to accomplish, but not appropriate in this neighborhood.  
Applicant rebuttal  
The applicant asked Ryan if we do not get approved, where can we move? And he  
explained on June 1 of 2023, the zoning was changed and did not add dog facilities  
the zoning criteria.  
Ryan Tefertiller, Urban Planning Manager, explained that the old zoning code,  
predating the UDC adoption, had a definition for an indoor-only kennel, which  
included outdoor uses. However, the UDC did not incorporate those defined uses;  
instead, it introduced the term "animal care facilities." Under the old code, the  
kennel correlated with the c6 zone, now MX-L. While it was not a permitted or  
prohibited use on the property, it did require a conditional use, a major application  
necessitating a public hearing in front of the commission.  
This use wasn't initiated until late June, after the UDC became effective. At that  
point, it became a prohibited use, requiring a use variance in the MX-L zone. An  
animal care facility is permitted in the A zone, which is scarce in the city. In LI or GI  
industrial zones, an animal care facility can be established via a conditional use  
permit. While these zones don't permit such uses outright, they can be legally  
established with a conditional use permit.  
The UDC is undergoing review, and the plan is to propose code updates to the  
commission and city council within the next four to six months. The proposal aims  
to reintroduce the definitions of an indoor-only kennel and a kennel with outdoor  
use in the UDC, correlating these uses with appropriate zones. However, there is no  
guarantee that these uses will be reinstated as they were under the old code, as  
the proposal will undergo a public process through the commission and city council.  
Questions from commissioners  
Commissioner Almy stated commissioners were there to look at the variances, not  
the business. He added the Committee had heard plenty of public comments on  
the disruption this community had had on their lives, and that swayed him quite a  
Commissioner Rickett echoed Commissioner Almy’s statements regarding the code  
perspective. Unfortunately, the Commission had to look at the code with the six  
criteria that were required. Furthermore, he added small animal clinics were  
permitted in this zone area, so that may be an option in the future.  
Commissioner Hensler concurred with others on the panel and appreciated the  
applicant for telling the backstory of the business. She also appreciated the  
presentation having a lot of information on what to do to amend complaints, but it  
felt like with all the work one would have to do to amend the complaints, maybe it  
would be more successful in another area where one didn’t have to make all of  
those adjustments.  
Commissioner Slattery stated it came down to a code issue. She loved the business  
and what they were doing but stated it was in the wrong location. She inquired if  
there was a grace period to assist with finding a new location.  
Ryan Tefertiller, Urban Planning Manager, clarified this project would be going to  
City Council next, and there is a grace period given to businesses. It is usually  
around 30 - 90 days. He also clarified the business had been given plenty of notice  
to look at other locations just in case.  
Vice Chair echoed with others on the panel and said he believed this was a  
straightforward case as it pertained to the code, but he recognized the good faith of  
the applicant and the good service they were providing. He hoped he would see  
the applicant with a new application in an appropriate zone.  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Almy, to  
recommend to City Council denial of UVAR-23-0005 based on the findings that  
the required Use Variance Criteria found in Section 7.5.527 are not met. The  
motion passed by a vote of 5:0:4:0  
5 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Hensler, Vice Chair McMurray,  
Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
4 -  
Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Chair Hente and Commissioner  
8. Updates/Presentations  
9. Adjourn