City of Colorado Springs  
Regional Development Center  
2880 International Circle  
Colorado Springs, CO 80910  
Meeting Minutes  
Wednesday, May 10, 2023  
9:00 AM  
Regional Development Center (Hearing Room)  
2880 International Circle  
Planning Commission  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
9 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Commissioner  
Hensler, Chair Hente, Commissioner Rickett, Commissioner Slattery, Alternate  
Griggs and Alternate Cecil  
2 - Vice Chair McMurray and Commissioner Raughton  
2. Approval of the Minutes  
Minutes for the April 12, 2023, Planning Commission Meeting  
Scott Hente, Chair of the City Planning Commission  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Almy, to approve  
the minutes for the April 12, 2023, Planning Commission meeting. The motion  
passed by a vote of 7:0:0:2  
7 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Commissioner  
Hensler, Chair Hente, Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
2 - Vice Chair McMurray and Commissioner Raughton  
3. Changes to Agenda/Postponements  
4. Communications  
Peter Wysocki - Planning & Community Development Director  
Mike Tassi, Assistant Director of Planning provided an update in the absence of Peter  
Wysocki. The City Council approved the Reagan Ranch case that was heard in April's  
planning commission meeting.  
These items will be acted upon as a whole, unless a specific item is called for discussion by a  
Commissioner/Board Member or a citizen wishing to address the Commission or Board. (Any items called up for  
separate consideration shall be acted upon following the Consent Vote.)  
Roller Coaster Commercial Center  
ZONE-23-00 A zone change relating to 3.53 acres from PBC/cr (Planned  
Business Center with conditions of record) to PBC (Planned  
Business Center [to be known as MX-M (Mixed Use Medium Scale)])  
located at the southwest intersection of Roller Coaster Road and  
North Gate Boulevard.  
Katelynn Wintz, Planning Supervisor, Planning & Community  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development  
This Planning Case was referred on the Consent Calendar to the City Council.  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Almy, that all  
matters on the Consent Calendar be passed, adopted, and approved by  
unanimous consent of the members present. The motion passed by a vote of  
7 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos, Commissioner  
Hensler, Chair Hente, Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner Slattery  
2 - Vice Chair McMurray and Commissioner Raughton  
Capri at Flying Horse  
CUDP-22-00 A Conditional Use Development Plan covering 5.154 acres allowing  
multi-family residential development in the PBC (Planned Business  
Center) zone district.  
Kyle Fenner, Senior Planner, Planning & Community Development  
Staff Presentation:  
Kyle Fenner, Senior Planner, gave a presentation describing the scope  
and intent of the project.  
Applicant Presentation:  
Phil Stuepfert, HR Green representative presented on behalf of the  
Questions from Commissioners:  
Commissioner Briggs questioned the term “willing to listen” used in the  
applicant’s presentation.  
Drew Balsick, applicant, clarified the term pertained to their willingness to  
adjust the plan based on residents’ comments and concerns during the  
neighborhood meetings.  
Commissioner Briggs requested information on the types of conversations  
had with the residents and what changes were made.  
Drew Balsick, applicant, noted the parking was adjusted and that they were  
working with a design team to better "blend" the colors with the existing  
development as the result of comments from attendees of the Applicant's  
open house. He went on to say, they will offer a warm and cool-toned  
selection which is decided upon by management staff.  
Commissioner Briggs noted the reason he brought this up is to ensure the  
residents’ voices are heard.  
Drew Balsick, applicant agreed they are taking this into high consideration.  
Public Discussion:  
Wanda Night, a resident of the neighborhood called in and shared her  
concerns about traffic going in and out of that development. She also  
stated that she thought her property values would be affected by this type of  
Phil Stuepfert, applicant representative, responded to the traffic concern  
confirming the traffic study done showed no concerns. He doesn’t feel the  
value of the property will be impacted. In reference to maintenance, he  
stated it will be privately maintained by Classic Communities.  
Chair Hente asked the development would be managed by an HOA.  
Phil Stuepfert, applicant representative, commented this property will not  
be managed by an HOA but will be managed by a management company.  
Commissioner Slattery requested confirmation of the units being for sale or  
Phil Stuepfert, applicant representative, answered most of these units will  
be for sale but some have the potential to be rented with the goal to be  
Commissioner Rickett requested clarity on a concern that Classic  
Communities was not maintaining a property accordingly based on the  
public comment.  
Phil Stuepfert, applicant representative, reassured after the project is  
complete, the management company will ensure maintenance is occurring.  
Discussion and Decision of Planning Commission:  
Commissioner Almy commented he was supportive of the use being asked  
but felt the architecture and design seem to look more “industrial” and not  
consistent with the current community homes. His hope was that the colors,  
structure and design are reviewed carefully.  
Kyle Fenner, Senior Planner noted the applicant had requested a  
modification to the parking on the southern portion of the site. She added  
this had been reviewed with the traffic engineer who had no concerns and  
was in support. This was a request for a technical modification of the  
development plan.  
Motion by Commissioner Rickett, seconded by Commissioner Foos, to  
approve the Capri at Flying Horse conditional use development plan, based  
upon the finding that the conditional use request complies with the review  
criteria for granting a conditional use as set forth in City Code Section  
7.5.704, and the development plan complies with criteria for development  
plans set forth in City Code Section 7.5.502, with a technical modification to  
change the parking on the southern access road adding nine spaces. The  
motion passed by a vote of 7:0:0:2  
7 -  
Commissioner Almy, Commissioner Briggs, Commissioner Foos,  
Commissioner Hensler, Chair Hente, Commissioner Rickett and Commissioner  
2 - Vice Chair McMurray and Commissioner Raughton  
10. Adjourn