30 S. Nevada Ave., Suite  
City of Colorado Springs  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Historic Preservation Board  
Monday, May 6, 2024  
4:30 PM  
City Administration Building  
30 S Nevada Avenue, Suite 102  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
Board Member Musick arrived to the meeting after the votes for Approval of the  
Minutes and Approval of the Consent Item.  
6 -  
Chair Lowenberg, Board Member Musick, Board Member Baumgartner, Board  
Member Fitzsimmons, Alternate Beerbaum and Board Member Hines  
2 - Vice Chair Wardwell and Board Member Potter  
1 - Board Member Smith  
2. Changes to Agenda/Postponements  
3. Communications  
Bill Gray - Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Bill Gray, Senior Planner, said the Pikes Peak Preservation Forum will be held  
on Friday, May 10th, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and took the names of members who  
would like to attend.  
Field reconaissance is continuing with the Historic Resource Survey Plan.  
The Historic Preservation Tax Credit Workshop will be on June 17th at City Hall  
from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Mr. Gray will send out more information.  
The Union Printers Home zone change and development standards adjustment  
are going to City Planning Commission on May 8th. Comments on this project  
from the Historic Preservation Board members have been included in the staff  
There are some changes in the Planning Department. Mike Tassi, Assistant  
Director, recently left the City. Katie Carleo has been named the Acting  
Assistant Director of Planning until the position is posted and filled. She and  
Ryan Tefertiller, Urban Planning Manager, will be attending HPB meetings going  
4. Approval of the Minutes  
Minutes for the April 1, 2024, Historic Preservation Board meeting  
Christine Lowenberg, Chair of the Historic Preservation Board  
Motion by Board Member Baumgartner, seconded by Board Member Hines, to  
approve the minutes for the April 1, 2024, Historic Preservation Board meeting  
The motion passed by a vote of 5-0.  
5 -  
Chair Lowenberg, Board Member Baumgartner, Board Member Fitzsimmons,  
Alternate Beerbaum and Board Member Hines  
3 - Vice Chair Wardwell, Board Member Musick and Board Member Potter  
5. Consent Calendar  
HIST-24-000 A Report of Acceptability to allow a front porch alteration located at 2029  
N. Nevada Avenue.  
William Gray, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Motion by Board Member Hines, seconded by Board Member Baumgartner, to  
approve the Report of Acceptability for the 2029 N. Nevada Avenue Front Porch  
Alteration based on the findings that the review criteria for a Report of  
Acceptability are met, as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.528. The motion  
passed by a vote of 5-0.  
5 -  
Chair Lowenberg, Board Member Baumgartner, Board Member Fitzsimmons,  
Alternate Beerbaum and Board Member Hines  
3 - Vice Chair Wardwell, Board Member Musick and Board Member Potter  
6. Items Called Off Consent Calendar  
7. Unfinished Business  
8. New Business  
8.A. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair  
Mr. Gray said the board elects a chair and vice-chair annually. The chair is  
provided with a script for meetings and the chair is asked to participate in some  
other events throughout the year related to historic preservation. He asked if  
anyone was interested or had a nomination. Board Member Hines nominated  
current Chair Lowenberg. Board Member Beerbaum seconded the nomination.  
No others were interested. All voted in favor.  
Board Member Baumgartner volunteered to take the vice-chair position and  
Board Member Hines seconded. All voted in favor.  
9. Presentations  
Historic Preservation Board Training  
Presenter: Bill Gray  
Mr. Gray provided training to board members that is given annually. He started  
with a brief history of Colorado Springs and an overview of PlanCOS that  
includes historic preservation. The purpose of the Historic Preservation Plan is  
to protect and preserve our historic and cultural assets and to identify  
opportunities and issues for historic preservation in the City.  
The Certified Local Government (CLG) Program brings historic preservation  
activities to communities in partnership with the State Historic Preservation  
Office and National Park Service. They help provide access to grant funding  
and training. The program qualifies property owners for the state historic tax  
credit and gives them access to the grant program.  
Under the program, the City is obligated to enact and enforce a local ordinance  
for a preservation program and create a commission of at least five members,  
both which have been done. A system for survey and inventory of historic  
properties is currently being done. The City must provide opportunities for  
public participation in local preservation efforts and must review and comment  
on National Register nominations submitted within its jurisdiction.  
The Historic Preservation Board is dictated by the Unified Development Code  
(UDC) to have seven members who serve terms of three years each.  
Members’ terms are staggered. The board’s purpose is to perform the duties  
previously described under the CLG Program. Additionally, the board reviews  
and acts on alteration, demolition or construction in historic preservation zones  
and they make recommendations on plans, code and policies.  
The Historic Preservation Overlay is outlined in the UDC, which creates the  
protection, enhancement, perpetuation and use of structures and areas of  
historical architectural significance as public necessity.  
Reports of Acceptability are the design review process and are defined in the  
UDC. All projects are considered major work and brought before the Historic  
Preservation Board. The application is reviewed by staff, public notice is  
provided 14 days prior to public hearing and the public hearing is set for the first  
Monday of each month. Staff tries to stick to a 28 day cycle from submittal to  
public hearing. The one exception is reroof projects, which are reviewed and  
approved administratively.  
The role of Planning staff is to support the board in its purpose and  
responsibilities, but they must balance this with their other responsibilities.  
There has been an attempt to incorporate training and/or education into each  
monthly meeting that would serve as both board and public education on  
historic preservation matters, issues and opportunities.  
Chair Lowenberg mentioned that May is Historic Preservation Month and she  
said there is typically a proclamation by City Council. Mr. Grey said he sent in a  
request to get it on the agenda for the second meeting of the month, but he has  
not gotten confirmation. Board members agreed to send Mr. Gray information  
to help draft the proclamation.  
10. Adjourn