City of Colorado Springs  
30 S. Nevada Ave., Suite  
Regular Meeting Agenda - Final  
Historic Preservation Board  
Monday, October 7, 2024  
4:30 PM  
City Administration Building  
30 S Nevada Avenue, Suite 102  
HPB - All meetings are open to the public. Those who wish to participate may do so in person or by phone.  
By Phone: Dial 1-720-617-3426, enter Conf ID: 170 850 720# and wait to be admitted.  
If you would like to comment on an agenda item, please contact the case planner for the item at 719-385-5905. If  
you are unable to contact them, there will still be an opportunity to speak during the meeting.  
Attendees participating by phone will be muted upon entry to the meeting. Please wait to be called on before  
Once an item has been heard, the Chair will open the public portion of the hearing for comments. There is a three  
(3) minute time limit for each person. Phone attendees must press *6 to un-mute.  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
2. Changes to Agenda/Postponements  
3. Communications  
William Gray - Senior Planner  
4. Approval of the Minutes  
Minutes for the September 9, 2024, Historic Preservation Board  
Christine Lowenberg, Historic Preservation Board Chair  
5. Consent Calendar  
A Report of Acceptability for a new north side window and eastern  
facing door for the primary structure at 1317 North Tejon Street.  
Johnny Malpica, Planner II, Planning and Neighborhood Services  
6. Items Called Off Consent Calendar  
7. Unfinished Business  
8. New Business  
9. Presentations  
9.A. Historic Resource Survey Plan - Discussion - Ron Sladek  
9.B. HPB 2025 Work Program - Discussion - William Gray  
9.C. Cache Le Poudre 5H Mesa Rd Bridge Rehabilitation Project - Scott Vinton  
10. Adjourn