30 S. Nevada Ave., Suite  
City of Colorado Springs  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Historic Preservation Board  
Monday, April 1, 2024  
4:30 PM  
City Administration Building  
30 S Nevada Avenue, Suite 102  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
6 -  
Chair Lowenberg, Board Member Baumgartner, Board Member Fitzsimmons, Board  
Member Potter, Alternate Beerbaum and Board Member Hines  
2 - Vice Chair Wardwell and Board Member Musick  
2. Changes to Agenda/Postponements  
3. Communications  
William Gray - Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Mr. Gray said the City is working with the State Historical Fund to have a historic  
tax credit program workshop. It will be held in June, with the date yet to be  
confirmed. They are looking for a venue, hopefully, in a historic building. He will  
provide more details to the board when he has them.  
The Pikes Peak Preservation Forum is happening on May 10th from 8:30 to  
noon at the Grace & St. Stephen Episcopal Church. Mr. Gray said the reason it  
is important this year is that the primary discussion is the historic resource  
survey plan. The forum is open to the public and Chair Lowenberg encouraged  
everyone to attend.  
Chair Lowenberg announced that Vice-Chair Meredith Wardwell is resigning  
from the board. She asked Mr. Gray if we will recruit for another member. He  
said the practice is to bring the alternate up to a voting member and then recruit  
for the alternate position. Assistant Planning Director Mike Tassi suggested  
checking with City Council Legislative Services on how that will work. Mr. Gray  
said he will make that contact. Chair Lowenberg said the board will be doing  
the election for chair and vice-chair next month.  
Mr. Gray asked the board if they are all okay with the first Monday at 4:30 for the  
meetings or if something else wsould work better. All agreed to keep it the  
4. Approval of the Minutes  
Minutes for the March 4, 2024, Historic Preservation Board meeting  
Christine Lowenberg, Chair of the Historic Preservation Board  
Motion by Board Member Baumgartner, seconded by Board Member Hines, to  
approve the minutes for the March 4, 2024, Historic Preservation Board meeting  
The motion passed by a vote of 6-0.  
6 -  
Chair Lowenberg, Board Member Baumgartner, Board Member Fitzsimmons, Board  
Member Potter, Alternate Beerbaum and Board Member Hines  
2 - Vice Chair Wardwell and Board Member Musick  
5. Consent Calendar  
6. Items Called Off Consent Calendar  
7. Unfinished Business  
8. New Business  
HIST-24-000 A Report of Acceptability for a patio cover addition on the rear elevation  
of the existing residence located at 1724 North Nevada Avenue.  
William Gray, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Motion by Board Member Baumgartner, seconded by Alternate Beerbaum, to  
postpone this item to the May 6, 2024 Historic Preservation Board Meeting, due to  
applicant not in attendance today. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0.  
6 -  
Chair Lowenberg, Board Member Baumgartner, Board Member Fitzsimmons, Board  
Member Potter, Alternate Beerbaum and Board Member Hines  
2 - Vice Chair Wardwell and Board Member Musick  
HIST-24-000 A Report of Acceptability for a new roof mounted solar PV system  
located at 1320 North Nevada Avenue.  
William Gray, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Senior Planner Bill Gray gave a presentation on this application on behalf of  
Marcie and Tim Murphy, homeowners of 1320 N. Nevada Ave. Mr. Gray  
showed diagrams of where the solar panels will be placed on the property. He  
spoke about the Old North End design principles that apply to this project, which  
contribute to maintaining the façade of the home that gives it the historic  
character. The key design principles require that panels be placed in an  
unobtrusive location and painted to minimize visibility. There were no public  
comments on this project. Staff finds that this application meets the review  
criteria. The proposed motion to approve does include two conditions.  
The applicant, Marcie Murphy, asked for clarification on the conditions, which  
Mr. Gray explained. Chair Lowenberg asked her if the conditions would cause  
any problems. Mrs. Murphy deferred to her contractor, Tyler Galloway, who  
was attending on Teams. Mr. Galloway said both conditions are easily  
Board Member Fitzsimmons asked if pushing spacing over six inches impacts  
any Regional Building requirements. Mr. Gray said that hasn’t been an issue.  
Mr. Galloway clarified that Board Member Fitzsimmons was talking about fire  
code offsets, which requires providing a clear three-foot walking path in  
between roof sections. When only one roof section marked off for solar panels,  
as long as on an eave or gable the opposing side is completely open, it is only  
restricted to 18 inches of space necessary between the solar panels and the  
edge of the eave. With moving the panels over about six inches, they would still  
meet the three-foot requirement because the surrounding roof sections do not  
have any panels on them.  
Board Member Fitzsimmons asked if there is a particular sheen required for the  
panels. Mr. Gray confirmed that the panels are matte black, per the conditions.  
Motion by Board Member Potter, seconded by Board Member Fitzsimmons, to  
approve a Report of Acceptability for the 1320 N Nevada Solar Addition project  
based upon the findings that the project meets the review criteria for a report of  
acceptability, as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.528.C.2.b.3 with conditions:  
Revise the plan, so the solar panels have a minimum three (3) feet setback from  
the front eave of the main house to preserve the distinctive gable roof feature. If  
this can't be achieved, then relocate all or some of the modules to the garage  
roof or reduce the number of panels on the main house. Final Plan must clearly  
indicate that all exterior conduit and electrical equipment has a matte finish or  
color match to the main house and detached garage to minimize visibility. The  
motion passed by a vote of 6-0.  
6 -  
Chair Lowenberg, Board Member Baumgartner, Board Member Fitzsimmons, Board  
Member Potter, Alternate Beerbaum and Board Member Hines  
2 - Vice Chair Wardwell and Board Member Musick  
9. Presentations  
Historic Preservation Board Training  
Presenter: Bill Gray  
Board Training will be postponed until the May 6th meeting.  
10. Adjourn