City Hall  
107 N. Nevada Avenue  
Colorado Springs, CO  
City of Colorado Springs  
Meeting Minutes  
City Council  
City Council meetings are broadcast live on Channel 18. In  
accordance with the ADA, anyone requiring an auxiliary aid to  
participate in this meeting should make the request as soon as  
possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.  
Tuesday, May 28, 2024  
10:00 AM  
Council Chambers  
How to Watch the Meeting | Facebook Live: Colorado Springs City Council  
Facebook Page @coscity Council | SPRINGS TV - Comcast Channel 18 / 880 (HD)  
- Stratus IQ Channel 76 / 99 (Streaming)  
How to Comment on Agenda Items  
Before the meeting, you may email general comments for items not on the agenda or  
comments regarding agenda items to:  
During the meeting, those who wish to comment should submit their name, telephone number,  
and the topic or agenda item for comment via in addition to  
calling +1 720-617-3426 United States, Denver (Toll) and entering this Conference ID: 105  
419 832#  
Estimated agenda item times are provided for planning purposes and do not constitute notice  
of a specific time for any item. Items may take more or less time than estimated. City Council  
may amend the order of items.  
1. Call to Order and Roll Call  
President Helms called the meeting to order at 10:02 AM.  
9 -  
Councilmember Yolanda Avila, President Pro Tem Lynette Crow-Iverson,  
Councilmember Dave Donelson, President Randy Helms, Councilmember Nancy  
Henjum, Councilmember David Leinweber, Councilmember Mike O'Malley,  
Councilmember Brian Risley, and Councilmember Michelle Talarico  
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance  
3. Changes to Agenda/Postponements  
The Invocation was made by President Pro Tem Crow-Iverson.  
President Helms led the Pledge of Allegiance.  
4. Consent Calendar  
These items will be acted upon as a whole, unless a specific item is called for  
discussion by a Councilmember or a citizen wishing to address the City Council.  
(Any items called up for separate consideration shall be acted upon following the  
Mayor's Business.)  
4A. Second Presentation:  
4A.A. ZONE-23-00 An ordinance No. 24-37 amending the zoning map of the City of  
Colorado Springs relating to 1.21 acres located at 805 Citadel Drive  
East from MX-N AP-O (Mixed-use Neighborhood Scale with Airport  
Overlay) to MX-M AP-O (Mixed-use Medium Scale with Airport Overlay)  
(Second reading and public hearing)  
Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning + Neighborhood Services.  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This Ordinance was finally passed on the Consent Calendar.  
4B. First Presentation:  
City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 14, 2024  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk  
The Minutes were approved on the Consent Calendar.  
A Resolution Authorizing the City of Colorado Springs to Enter into an  
Intergovernmental Agreement with the Colorado Department of  
Transportation for operation and maintenance of traffic control devices  
on state highways within the City.  
Gayle Sturdivant, PE, PMP, Acting Public Works Director/City Engineer  
Todd Frisbie, PE, PTOE, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works  
This Resolution was adopted on the Consent Calendar.  
A Resolution Authorizing the City of Colorado Springs to Enter into an  
Intergovernmental Agreement with the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation  
Authority Regarding the State of Colorado Grant for the Three Trails  
Crossing Project.  
Gayle Sturdivant, City Engineer/Acting Public Works Director  
This Resolution was adopted on the Consent Calendar.  
A Resolution Authorizing the City of Colorado Springs to Enter into an  
Intergovernmental Agreement with the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation  
Authority Regarding the State of Colorado Grant for the Sinton Trail  
Crossing at Centennial Blvd Project.  
Gayle Sturdivant, City Engineer/Acting Public Works Director  
This Resolution was adopted on the Consent Calendar.  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by President Pro Tem  
Crow-Iverson, that all matters on the Consent Calendar be passed, adopted, and  
approved by unanimous consent of the members present. The motion passed by  
a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
5. Recognitions  
A Resolution recognizing June 2024 as Alzheimer’s Brain And  
Awareness Month  
Dave Donelson, Councilmember District 1  
Councilmember Donelson read the Resolution recognizing June 2024 as  
Alzheimer’s Brain Awareness Month, spoke about his father’s battle with  
Alzheimer’s disease.  
RoseMary Jaramillo, Regional Director, Alzheimer’s Association,  
introduced her team, Teal Peabody, Development Manager, and Lisa  
Loeber, Volunteer, she provided a brief overview of their organization, and  
spoke about the need for equal access to early treatment. She stated the  
Lunch and Learn will be held June 20, 2024, and the 2024 Walk to End  
Alzheimer’s is scheduled for September 28, 2024 at Memorial Park.  
Councilmember Donelson identified several of the risk factors associated  
with Alzheimer’s.  
Councilmember Donelson asked if there were any support groups for the  
caregivers of those with Alzheimer's. Ms. Jaramillo confirmed there are  
twelve local support groups in Colorado Springs.  
Motion by Councilmember Leinweber, seconded by President Pro Tem  
Crow-Iverson, that the Resolution recognizing June 2024 as Alzheimer’s Brain  
And Awareness Month be adopted. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
A Resolution designating May as Historic Preservation Month.  
Michelle Talarico, Councilmember District 3  
William Gray, Senior Planner, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Councilmember Talarico read the Resolution recognizing May 2024 as  
Historic Preservation Month.  
Bill Gray, Senior Planner, Planning and Neighborhood Services, identified  
that celebrating Historic Preservation Month honors the people involved in  
historic preservation.  
Christine Lowenberg, Chair, Historic Preservation Board (HPB), provided  
an overview of the history of Historic Preservation Month, ways to celebrate  
the month, and expressed gratitude for the efforts of everyone involved in  
historic preservation within the community.  
Terry Thatcher provided a brief overview of the McAllister House Museum.  
Cheryl Brown, President, Historic Uptown Neighborhood, spoke about their  
work to create a Historic Preservation Overlay Zone for the Parkside  
Councilmember Henjum and Councilmember Avila expressed appreciation  
for the recognition of the importance of historic preservation.  
Motion by Councilmember Henjum, seconded by Councilmember Donelson, that  
the Resolution designating May as Historic Preservation Month be adopted. The  
motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
Summary of Boards, Commissions, and Committees Councilmember  
Assignments - May 9, 2023 President Helms  
Randy Helms, Council President and Councilmember District 2  
President Helms presented the summary of Boards, Commissions, and  
Committees Councilmember assignments to appoint Councilmember  
O’Malley as a liaison to the Colorado Springs Sports Authority.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Henjum, that  
the proposed list of Councilmember Liaisons to City Council Appointed Boards,  
Commissions and Committees and Councilmember Membership on Boards,  
Commissions, and Committees be approved. The motion passed by a vote of  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
6. Mayor's Business  
There was no Mayor’s Business.  
7. Citizen Discussion For Items Not On Today's Agenda  
Citizens Arlond Eisaei, Mark Weida, and Robert Fiebig spoke against the  
removal of the traffic signal lights at intersection at Arvada Street and Motor  
City Way.  
Citizen Preston Parker spoke regarding a nuisance dog.  
Citizen Tim Hoiles spoke about evacuation issues due to lane reductions  
on Cheyenne Road, Cheyenne Boulevard, and Lake Avenue.  
Citizens Desiree Hanna, Alexander Summers, and Elly Sewell requested a  
ceasefire Resolution regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  
8. Items Called Off Consent Calendar  
There were no items called off the Consent Calendar.  
9. Utilities Business  
There was no Utilities Business.  
10. Unfinished Business  
There was no Unfinished Business.  
11. New Business  
11.A. ANEX-23-00 A resolution finding a petition for annexation of the area known as Extol  
Park Vista Addition No. 2 Annexation consisting of 0.659 acres to be in  
substantial compliance with section 31-12-107(1), C.R.S. and setting a  
hearing date of July 9, 2024 for the Colorado Springs City Council to  
consider the annexation of the area.  
Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Peter Wysocki, Planning + Neighborhood Services Director  
There were no comments on this item.  
Motion by Councilmember Avila, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber, that  
the Resolution finding the petition for annexation to be in substantial compliance  
with C.R.S. Section 31-12-107(1), setting the hearing date of July 9, 2024 for  
consideration of the Extol Park Vista Addition No. 2 Annexation, and directing the  
City Clerk to provide notice in accord with C.R.S. section 31-12-108 be adopted.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
11.B. ANEX-22-00 A resolution finding a petition for annexation of the area known as  
Colorado Centre Addition No. 3 Annexation consisting of 32.94 acres to  
be in substantial compliance with section 31-12-107(1), C.R.S. and  
setting a hearing date of July 9, 2024, for the Colorado Springs City  
Council to consider the annexation of the area.  
Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Peter Wysocki, Planning + Neighborhood Services Director  
There were no comments on this item.  
Motion by Councilmember Henjum, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Resolution finding the petition for annexation to be in substantial  
compliance with C.R.S. Section 31-12-107(1), setting the hearing date of July 9,  
2024 for consideration of the Colorado Centre Addition No. 3 Annexation, and  
directing the Clerk to provide notice in accord with C.R.S. section 31-12-108 be  
adopted. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
11.C. ANEX-23-00 A resolution finding the petitions for annexation of the area known as  
Space Village Addition No. 2-3 consisting of 5.305 acres to be in  
substantial compliance with section 31-12-107(1), C.R.S. and setting a  
hearing date of July 9, 2024 for the Colorado Springs City Council to  
consider the annexation of the area.  
Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Peter Wysocki, Planning + Neighborhood Services Director  
There were no comments on this item.  
Motion by Councilmember Talarico, seconded by Councilmember Leinweber,  
that the Resolution finding the petitions for annexation to be in substantial  
compliance with C.R.S. Section 31-12-107(1), setting the hearing date of July 9,  
2024 for consideration of the Space Village Addition No. 2-3 Annexation, and  
directing the Clerk to provide notice in accord with C.R.S. section 31-12-108 be  
adopted. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
11.D. ANEX-23-00 A resolution finding the petitions for annexation of the area known as Air  
Lane Addition No. 1-3 Annexation consisting of 4.623 acres to be in  
substantial compliance with section 31-12-107(1), C.R.S. and setting a  
hearing date of July 9, 2024 for the Colorado Springs City Council to  
consider the annexation of the area.  
Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Peter Wysocki, Planning + Neighborhood Services Director  
There were no comments on this item.  
Motion by Councilmember Risley, seconded by President Pro Tem Crow-Iverson,  
that the Resolution finding the petitions for annexation to be in substantial  
compliance with C.R.S. Section 31-12-107(1), setting the hearing date of July 9,  
2024 for consideration of the Air Lane Addition No. 1-3 Annexation, and directing  
the Clerk to provide notice in accord with C.R.S. section 31-12-108 be adopted.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley, and  
12. Public Hearing  
Amara Annexation  
Estimated Time: 3 Hours  
A Resolution Amending Resolution 37-24 and setting a hearing date  
of July 23, 2024, for the Colorado Springs City Council to consider  
the annexation of the area known as Amara Addition No. 1-23  
consisting of 3172.796 acres (Legislative)  
Katie Carleo, Land Use Planning Manager, Planning +  
Neighborhood Services  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
Ben Bolinger, Assistant City Attorney, stated the City Attorney’s Office  
received notice that the publication notice for the Colorado Springs City  
Council to consider the annexation of the area known as Amara Addition  
No. 1-23 consisting of 3172.796 acres did not meet the full thirty-day state  
statute requirement so the new date of the public hearing will be July 23,  
Councilmember O’Malley requested the public hearing be held July 9,  
2024, Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Neighborhood Services,  
stated the petitioner is out of the country on that date.  
Councilmember Donelson asked why the City did not provide the thirty-day  
publication. Mr. Wysocki stated the first publication of the four consecutive  
notices in the newspaper was not the minimum requirement of thirty days  
prior to the public hearing.  
Councilmember Donelson stated because the error occurred due to the  
City, not the applicant, he will be voting against changing the public hearing  
date to July 9, 2024.  
Motion by Councilmember O'Malley, seconded by Councilmember  
Leinweber, that the Resolution setting the hearing date of July 9, 2024, for  
consideration of the Amara Addition No. 1 -23 Annexation, and directing the  
Clerk to provide notice in accord with C.R.S. section 31-12-108 be adopted.  
The motion failed by a vote of 1-8-0-0  
1 - Leinweber  
8 - Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, O'Malley, Risley, and Talarico  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution setting the hearing date of July 23, 2024, for consideration  
of the Amara Addition No. 1 -23 Annexation, and directing the Clerk to  
provide notice in accord with C.R.S. section 31-12-108. The motion passed by  
a vote of 8-1-0-0  
8 - Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, Risley, and Talarico  
1 - O'Malley  
12.B. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 1 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 1 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.C. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 1 Annexation located along Bradley Road, east  
of S. Marksheffel Road, consisting of 0.644 acres. (Legislative)  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 0.644 acres as Amara Addition No. 1 Annexation based  
upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.D. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 2 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 2 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.E. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 2 Annexation located along Bradley Road, east  
of S. Marksheffel Road, consisting of 0.957 acres. (Legislative)  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 0.957 acres as Amara Addition No. 2 Annexation based  
upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.F. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 3 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 3 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.G. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 3 Annexation located along Bradley Road, east  
of S. Marksheffel Road, consisting of 3.519 acres. (Legislative)  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 3.519 acres as Amara Addition No. 3 Annexation based  
upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.H. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 4 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 4 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 4 Annexation located along Bradley Road, east  
of S. Marksheffel Road, consisting of 1.878 acres. (Legislative)  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 1.878 acres as Amara Addition No. 4 Annexation based  
upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.J. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 5 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Risley,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 5 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.K. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 5 Annexation located along Bradley Road, east  
of S. Marksheffel Road, consisting of 7.381 acres. (Legislative)  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 7.381 acres as Amara Addition No. 5 Annexation based  
upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.L. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 6 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 6 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.M. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 6 Annexation located along Bradley Road, east  
of S. Marksheffel Road, consisting of 7.448 acres. (Legislative)  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 7.448 acres as Amara Addition No. 6 Annexation based  
upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.N. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 7 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 7 and approving the annexation agreement. The motion  
passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.O. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 7 Annexation located along Bradley Road, east  
of S. Marksheffel Road, consisting of 9.192 acres. (Legislative)  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 9.192 acres as Amara Addition No. 7 Annexation based  
upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.P. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 8 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 8 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.Q. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 8 Annexation located along Bradley Road, east  
of S. Marksheffel Road, consisting of 4.951 acres. (Legislative)  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 4.951 acres as Amara Addition No. 8 Annexation based  
upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.R. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 9 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 9 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.S. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 9 Annexation located along Bradley Road, east  
of S. Marksheffel Road, consisting of 2.223 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 2.223 acres as Amara Addition No. 9 Annexation based  
upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.T. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 10 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 10 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.U. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 10 Annexation located along Bradley Road, east  
of S. Marksheffel Road, consisting of 7.117 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 7.117 acres as Amara Addition No. 10 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.V. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 11 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 11 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.W. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 11 Annexation located near the northeast corner  
of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road consisting of 145.176 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 145.176 acres as Amara Addition No. 11 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.X. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 12 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 12 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.Y. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 12 Annexation located near the northeast corner  
of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road consisting of 105.274 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 105.274 acres as Amara Addition No. 12 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.Z. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 13 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 13 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AA. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 13 Annexation located near the northeast corner  
of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road consisting of 85.462 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 85.462 acres as Amara Addition No. 13 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203. The motion  
passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AB. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 14 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 14 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AC. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 14 Annexation located near the northeast corner  
of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road consisting of 2.633 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 2.633 acres as Amara Addition No. 14 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AD. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 15 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 15 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AE. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 15 Annexation located near the northeast corner  
of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road consisting of 188.445 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 188.445 acres as Amara Addition No. 15 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AF. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 16 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 16 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AG. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 16 Annexation located near the northeast corner  
of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road consisting of 191.096 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 191.096 acres as Amara Addition No. 16 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AH. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 17 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 17 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AI. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 17 Annexation located near the northeast corner  
of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road consisting of 153.337 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 153.337 acres as Amara Addition No. 17 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AJ. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 18 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolutionadopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 18 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AK. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 18 Annexation located near the northeast corner  
of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road consisting of 372.380 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 372.380 acres as Amara Addition No. 18 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AL. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 19 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 19 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AM ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 19 Annexation located near the northeast corner  
of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road consisting of 305.431 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 305.431 acres as Amara Addition No. 19 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AN. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 20 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 20 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AO. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 20 Annexation located near the northeast corner  
of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road consisting of 86.744 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 86.744 acres as Amara Addition No. 20 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AP. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 21 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 21 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AQ. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 21 Annexation located near the northeast corner  
of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road consisting of 337.474 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 337.474 acres as Amara Addition No. 21 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AR. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 22 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 22 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AS. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 22 Annexation located near the northeast corner  
51 of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road consisting of 816.132 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 816.132 acres as Amara Addition No. 22 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AT. ANEX-23-00 A Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property  
known as Amara Addition No. 23 Annexation  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based  
thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as  
Amara Addition No. 23 and approving the annexation agreement be  
withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AU. ANEX-23-00 Amara Addition No. 23 Annexation located near the northeast corner  
of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road consisting of 390.593 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the annexation of 390.593 acres as Amara Addition No. 23 Annexation  
based upon the findings that the annexation complies with the Conditions for  
Annexation, as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.6.203 be withdrawn.  
The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AV. LUPL-24-000 A Master Plan for the Amara Annexation establishing commercial,  
industrial, civic, single-family residential, multi-family residential,  
parks and open space land uses. The Amara Annexation is generally  
located near the northeast corner of Squirrel Creek Road and Link  
Road, south of Bradley Road, and consists of 3172.796 acres.  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the Amara Master Plan based upon the findings that the request  
complies with the review criteria as set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section  
7.5.408 be withdrawn. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
12.AW ZONE-24-00 Establishment of the the A (Agricultural) zoning district for the Amara  
Annexation, consisting of 3172.796 acres, generally located near the  
northeast corner of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road, south of  
Bradley Road. (Legislative)  
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood  
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services  
This item was withdrawn.  
Motion by Councilmember Donelson, seconded by Councilmember Talarico,  
that the establishment of the A (Agriculture) zoning district for the Amara  
Annexation, based upon the findings that the request complies with the  
criteria set forth in City Code Chapter 7 Section 7.5.603.B be withdrawn. The  
motion passed by a vote of 9-0-0-0  
9 -  
Avila, Crow-Iverson, Donelson, Helms, Henjum, Leinweber, O'Malley, Risley,  
and Talarico  
13. Added Item Agenda  
Councilmember O’Malley stated he attended the Memorial Day ceremony  
at Memorial Park where the representation across all military services was  
spectacular, he stated Councilmember Donelson did an outstanding job  
with the Purple Heart initiative, and that City Council needs to take action  
repairing the War Memorial.  
Councilmember Leinweber stated Colorado Springs Fire Department is  
currently on scene under the Cimarron Street bridge due to a homeless  
campfire and City Services really needs to step up and be vigilante  
regarding these types of issues especially during the summer months. He  
stated he, Mayor Yemi, and the Governor launched the 1,000  
Neighborhood Gatherings initiative which currently has 164 neighborhoods  
Councilmember Talarico stated she also attended the 1,000 Neighborhood  
Gatherings initiative in Stratton Meadows, and it was great to see that  
neighborhood thrive, and she will find more information regarding the  
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding which was discussed at the  
Parks Advisory Board meeting to repair the War Memorial.  
Councilmember Donelson expressed appreciation for City Council passing  
the Resolution declaring Colorado Springs a Purple Heart City, for  
veterans, and for the families of those who have lost family members. He  
also thanked President Helms, Councilmember O'Malley, Councilmember  
Avila, and Ed Beck, a 99-year-old World War 2 veteran Prisoner of War  
(POW) for attending the Purple Heart event held on Monday, May 27, 2024.  
President Helms thanked Councilmember Donelson for leading the charge  
in declaring Colorado Springs a Purple Heart City, stated there are three  
events held on Memorial Day: the Memorial Day event, Pikes Peak  
Veteran’s National Cemetery, and the Buffalo Soldier Memorial at  
Evergreen Cemetery, and he attended the Peace Officer’s Memorial  
14. Executive Session  
There was no Executive Session.  
15. Adjourn  
There being no further business to come before City Council, President  
Helms adjourned the meeting at 12:14 PM.  
Sarah B. Johnson, City Clerk