Partnership, to talk about alternatives that could be used after the first
presentation. Mr. Lieber presented the site plan for the library showing the
fencing types and gate access. He noted that one of the technical
modifications was the removal of two parking spaces for fire department
access. He confirmed that all the fencing will be seven feet. The existing
wrought iron fencing between Knights of Columbus and Carnegie Buildings
will remain, along with the xeriscpe landscaping. Mr. Lieber said from an
Urban Planning perspective they are comfortable with a three foot set back
from the property boundary. It will be experienced as a ten foot landscape
corridor from the back of the sidewalk to the fence. He said the style of the
omega fencing was used so that you could see the building allowing the
backside to be predominant. Mr. Lieber said the corner of Cascade and
Kiowa will be used to extend the children’s area. He said sliding gates will
be used in the entrance of the building to ensure there is a view of the
mountains and landscaping. During business hours, the sliding gate will be
hidden behind a monument wall. He showed renderings of the omega style
fencing during business hours and when the gate is closed and of the
xeriscape landscaping. He said wrought iron fencing will be added to the
parking lot.
Board Member Questions
Board Member Hensler said the site plan shows the fencing going all the
way around the parking lot; however, it is not shown on the renderings. She
asked if the fence extends above the existing wall. Mr. Lieber said there is
an existing site wall that is lower in height and Pikes Peak drops in
elevation and provides that function. He said along Cascade, the fencing
would be extended. Board Member Hensler asked if it is a shorter amount
of fence on top of the existing stone wall and if that is where the gate would
go behind when it is open. Mr. Lieber said yes. Board Member Hensler
said there is support from Pikes Peak State College and asked what the
benefit is to them by adding a fence. Mr. Lieber said that the college has
expressed taking a similar approach to their campus.
Board Member Mikulas asked how ten feet of xeriscaping was determined.
Mr. Lieber said it varies due the property boundary moving but there is a
minimum of ten feet of landscape from the back of the sidewalk to the
fence. The fence would be a minimum of three feet back from the property
boundary. Board Member Mikulas asked who would be maintaining the
landscaped area. Mr. Lieber said the library would be responsible and
said that they have done a great job maintaining the current landscaping.
Board Member Mikulas asked if the ten feet of xeriscape provides the
desired outcome with the issues, or could it be a space that could pose
issues in the future. Mr. Lieber invited Michael Brantner, Chief Safety,
Community Resources and Security Officer for the Pikes Peak Library
District, to answer questions. Board Member Mikulas stated he wanted to