A Development Plan for a Tiny House Community consisting of 18 tiny homes, community building, and resident storage building in the R-Flex High zone district consisting of .78 acres (34,048 square feet) located at 3103 North Prospect Street. (Quasi-Judicial)
William Gray, Senior Planner, City Planning
Recommended Action
Optional Motions:
1. Motion to Approve
Recommend approval to City Council the Prospect Village - A Tiny House Community Development Plan based upon the findings that the request complies with the criteria for a Development Plan as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.515, with the following conditions:
1. An approved Final Drainage Letter is provided.
2. Add note to the Development Plan under the Project Description subheading stating:
The Tiny House Community, its owner, heirs and assigns shall limit the occupancy of each tiny home to residents with a household income that is at or below 50% Area Median Income.
3. A completed Geologic Hazard Study Not Applicable Form is provided.
4. Add a note regarding fire access to the Development Plan stating:
An all-weather reflective sign with white background and red reflective letters will be provided on the gate that indicates "Fire Department Access".
5. Add a note regarding the existing well to the Development Plan stating:
Use of the existing ground water well will require an augmentation plan with Colorado Springs Utilities and the water would be metered and billed at an augmentation rate. There is no guarantee that an augmentation plan would be approved by Colorado Springs Utilities.
6. Relocate and/or modify water and wastewater service lines to meet horizontal separation requirements for Tiny House No. 4, 9, 8, 10 and 11.
7. All City Review Agency comments are fully addressed.
2. Motion to Deny
Recommend denial to City Council of the Prospect Village - A Tiny House Community Development Plan based upon the findings that the request does not comply with the criteria for a Development Plan as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.515.